    摘要随着航天电子工业的技术进步和发展,抗辐射技术与容错技术研究已逐步成为了航天器设计的关键技术之一。由于太空恶劣的辐射环境影响,人造卫星尤其是近几年迅速发展起来的微纳卫星,受到辐射故障而导致的任务中断或失败的比例也在上升。而与之相反的趋势是NASA与ESA等航天机构已经着手研究成本低、性能高而抗辐射性能较差的商用逻辑器件(Comercial Off-The-Shelf components,COTS器件)在卫星或CubeSat上的应用,并进入了实用阶段。[ ]这也意着对星载计算机(On-Board Computer,OBC)系统软件的故障容错和加固设计有了更高的要求。针对传统的OBC设计流程周期长效率低的问题,本文研究了国外近几年发展起来的SystemC片上系统建模方法,并提出了采用SystemC 事务级建模(TLM)策略建立星载计算机模型的仿真方法。在此基础上,进一步根据辐射故障的研究,建立了故障注入与分析模型。由此为OBC软件容错设计提供一个设计与仿真平台,大大节省了设计成本与周期。26优尔
    关键词  空间辐射环境 单粒子效应 SystemC 事务级建模 故障模型
    Title    Research of CubeSat Based on COTS Components  Fault Modeling and Injection Technology                                                  
    As the aerospace industry is growing and developing rapidly, radiation tolerance and hardened technology is gradually becoming the fatal technology of spacecraft design. The proportion of satellite mission interruption or failure caused by radiation effect is rising steadily due to the harsh space radiation environment. By contrast, space agencies around world like NASA and ESA have been researching on the on-board application of Commercial Off-The-Shelf components (COTS as known) which is low-cost and high-performance but poor-radiation-mitigated. Moreover, they had experimentally applied COTS components on small satellite and CubeSat successfully, which means the On-Board Computer (OBC) desiderates more effective fault tolerance  and hardened technologies to slash radiation fault risks.Addressing this issue, the overseas work studied on the SystemC modeling approach for system on chip (SoC) developed recently, and proposed a simulation method to build OBC model with SystemC TLM modeling, since traditional OBC design is time-consuming and inefficient. Besides, the fault models are built based on corresponding research of radiation effect fault. This research built a simulation frame platform for the OBC fault tolerance design, which dramatically saves the design cost and period.
    Keywords  Space Radiation Environment, Single Event Effect, SystemC TLM Modeling,   Fault Model
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  研究目的   1
    1.2  主要贡献   2
    1.3  论文大纲   2
    2  微纳卫星与星载计算机综述3
    2.1  微纳卫星任务  3
    2.2  星载计算机   4
    3  空间辐射环境与辐射效应 7
    3.1  空间环境概述 7
    3.2  总剂量效应  8
    3.3  单粒子效应  9
    3.4  故障率计算  9
    3.5  抗辐射加固技术  11
    4  SystemC TLM模型 15
    4.1  SystemC TLM事务级建模方法概述  15
      4.2  OBC系统结构模型    16
    4.3  辐射故障注入模型  19
    5 辐射故障模型21
    5.1  CPU故障模型  21
    5.2  SRAM与DRAM故障模型  21
    5.3  Flash闪存故障模型  22
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