    系统设计中,采用STM32系列的单片机作为主控器,设计了AD采集模块、数据存储模块、串口通信模块。通过Keil MDK软件对下位机程序进行,实现AD7324的3通道、连续采集模式的控制;数据在SRAM中的实时存储和在Flash中的长时间存储功能。通过RS-232串口实现上位机和下位机的通信。基于Labview对上位机软件进行设计,实现对弹丸序列号的选择、采集延迟、数据的处理和图形化显示等功能。数据图形化显示的结果表明存储测试系统能够完成所需功能的实现。26758
    Title   The development of motion parameter storage test
    device of projectile in bore—The design of the software
    Metal storm weapon projectile acceleration, ejecting and projectile base pressure are important parameters for the motion of projectile in bore, the accurate measurement of the above parameters, metal storm weapon development, evaluation and projectile in ballistic motion characteristics analysis model provides effective technical means and data support.
    In the system design, the STM32 series microcontroller is used as the main controller, the AD acquisition module, data storage module and serial communication module are designed.. Through the MDK Keil software, the program of the lower computer is realized, and the control of the 3 channels of AD7324, the continuous acquisition mode is realized, the real-time storage of data in SRAM and the long storage time in Flash are realized.. Through the RS-232 serial port to achieve communication between the PC and the lower computer. Based on Labview, the design of the upper computer software is carried out, the selection of the bullet sequence number, the delay of collection, the processing of data and graphics display are realized.. The results of data graphics show that the storage test system can accomplish the functions needed.
    Keywords  Pressure acceleration software-system Labview STM32
    目   次
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1 本课题研究的背景意义    1
    1.2 国内外发展现状    2
    1.3 本课题完成的工作和研究内容    3
    2 基于STM32的系统总体方案设计    5
    2.1 系统的总体设计要求    5
    2.2 总体结构设计    6
    3 基于STM32的系统下位机设计与实现    7
    3.1 系统流程图设计    7
    3.2 STM32微处理器概述    8
    3.3 STM32开发环境    9
    3.4 STM32的程序设计    9
    3.4.1 硬件触发模块    9
    3.4.2 AD采集、转换模块    11
    3.4.3 数据存储模块    17
    3.4.4 串口通讯模块    21
    4 上位机软件设计    24
    4.1 Labview简介及其开发环境    24
    4.2  Labview的设计模块及其功能    24
    4.2.1 串口通信模块    24
    4.2.2数据处理模块    26
    4.2.3 图形化显示    27
    5 系统测试结果的处理与分析    28
    5.1 AD采集转换模拟调试    28
    5.2 STM32数据存储数据的实验结果    29
    5.3 Labview对数据处理图形化的结果    30
    结  论    31
    致  谢    32
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