    摘要: 脉搏测量仪,顾名思义,就是专门用来测量、统计人体脉搏跳动次数的仪器,医生则可以直接通过对脉搏信号的观察和分析来检测人体的健康状况。现如今市面上出现的脉搏测量仪虽然式样繁多,但能够快捷、精确测量的却寥寥无几。为了改善这种现状,本课题基于单片机设计了一种集精确测量、显示计时等多种功能于一体的便捷式的脉搏测量仪。整个测量体系围绕STC89C52为主体,通过其叠加经红外光电传感器生成的脉冲感应信号得出脉搏跳动的相应次数,计时则由外部的时钟模块来完成。在系统运行的过程中可以通过观察指示灯的闪烁情况来判断测量值是否准确,若指示灯闪烁均匀则说明测量值准确,反之则不准确;系统停止运行后,液晶屏就会表示出脉搏跳动的次数和测量时间。反复多次的测试结果表明本系统基本能实现预期的功能,满足设计的总体要求。26895
    Design Of Pulse Measuring Instrument Based On Single Chip
    Abstract:As the name implies, pulse measuring instrument is used to measure and count the pulse number of electronic devices, and then we can check the health of human body by observing the pulse signal. At present, there are a lot of kinds of pulse measurement instruments on the market, but can accurately realize multiple functions such as measuring, display and timing of portable pulse measuring instrument is rarely. In order to improve this situation, the topic of this thesis is based on single chip microcomputer to design a portable pulse measuring instrument with STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the main body. The entire measurement system calculates time according to the internal timer of microcomputer, then photoelectric sensor produces the corresponding induction signal, the number of pulse can be obtained from the superposition of induction signal by microcomputer. In the running of the system we can judge the measured values is accurate or not by observing through the indicator lights out to, if even flicker that accurate measuring value. At the same time, the display screen shows the number of pulse and time after the system stops running. The results of repeated tests show that this system can realize the expected functions, and meet the total requirements of design.
    Keywords:Pulse measuring instrument; MCU; STC89C52; Photoelectric sensor
    目  录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    绪论    1
    1概述    2
    1.1 选题的背景和意义     2
    1.2 脉搏测量仪的发展前景     2
    2总体方案的论证与设计    4
    2.1主控模块     4
    2.2显示模块     4
    2.3传感器     4
    2.4时钟芯片     4
    2.5系统整体设计概述     5
    3系统硬件电路设计    6
    3.1主控模块     6
      3.1.1 STC89C52单片机主要特性     6
      3.1.2 STC89C52单片机的中断系统     8
      3.1.3单片机最小系统设计     8
    3.2 LCD液晶显示器简介     9
      3.2.1液晶原理介绍     9
      3.2.2液晶模块简介     9
      3.2.3液晶显示部分与STC89C52的接口     10
    3.3键盘模块设计     11
    3.4蜂鸣器模块设计     12
    3.5信号采集电路设计     13
      3.5.1传感器简介     13
      3.5.2放大滤波电路     13
      3.5.3整形电路     14
    3.6时钟模块的设计     14
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