        温度测量仪以AT89C51单片机、DSl8820数字温度传感器和LCDl602液晶显示屏为主要器件,介绍各元件的工作原理,并给出了温度测量与显示系统的硬件设计和用C语言编写的源程序。轨道间距测试仪我们采用数显轨距尺,根据铁道部对轨距尺的技术标准《标准轨距铁路轨距尺《(TB/T 1 924-2008)》和《标准轨距铁路轨距尺(JJG2 1 9-2008)》中对轨距的要求,硬件上采用AT89C51单片机,容栅位移传感器测量轨距,设计了处理器核心电路、5V直流电源电路、320*240点阵液晶屏接口电路、串口接口电路、存储器接口电路和复位电路等,并制作印制电路板。
     Language Learning
    Abstract In recent years, with the development of the railway network trunk speed and high-speed passenger railway and heavy rail, the highest speed EMU has reached 380km / h, the road network has become a transportation and production equipment maintenance organization in traffic safety key Question. Which gauge temperature difference on the track and the impact generated by the temperature has been the focus of our concern, we design temperature tester and gauging rule based digital temperature tester.
    Temperature measurement with AT89C51 microcontroller, DSl8820 LCDl602 digital temperature sensor and LCD display as the main components, introduces the working principle of each component, and gives the temperature measurement and display system hardware design and source code written in C language.Track pitch tester we use digital gauge feet, according to the Ministry of Railways gauge ruler technical standards "standard gauge railway gauge ruler" (TB / T 1 924-2008) "and" standard gauge railway gauge ruler (JJG2 1 9-2008) "in the gauge requirements for using hardware AT89C51 microcontroller, capacitive displacement sensor gauge, designed processor core circuit, 5V DC power circuit, 320 x 240 dot matrix LCD screen interface circuit , serial interface circuits, memory interface circuit and reset circuit, and the production of printed circuit boards.
    Keywords :  AT89C51 microcontroller;Digital Temperature Sensor;   Capacitive displacement sensor
    1 绪论    5
    1.1 开发背景    5
    1.2 目的和意义    5
    1.3 国内外研究现状与水平    5
    1.4 本文的主要工作    6
    1.4.1 温度测试仪的主要工作    6
    1.4.2 数显轨距尺的主要工作    6
    2 数字元器件的介绍    6
    2.1 AT89C51单片机的介绍    6
    2.2 温度传感器DS18B20    6
    2.3 液晶显示器LCDl602    8
    2.3.1 液晶显示器简介    8
    2.3.2液晶显示原理    8
    2.3.3 1602LCD的基本参数及引脚功能    9
    2.4 容栅位移传感器    11
    3 系统总体设计    13
    3.1 系统的功能需求    13
    3.2 系统检测原理    13
    3.2.1 温度测量原理    13
    3.2.2 轨距测量原理    14
    3.3 硬件系统的主要功能    15
    3.3.1 系统主处理器    15
    3.3.2 产品特性    15
    4 系统的硬件设计    18
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