    本文以非均匀分簇路由协议为研究对象,依据无线传感网络中路由协议要均衡能耗的原则,针对均匀分簇路由协议能耗不均等问题进了研究与改进。对典型的均匀分簇路由协议——LEACH协议进行了研究与分析,针对其能耗不均导致的“能量热区”问题,以及簇首节点选取过于随机的问题进行了归纳与总结,并在此基础之上借鉴性地提出了一种非均匀分簇路由协议EBL(Energy Balanced LEACH)协议,EBL在选取簇首节点的时候参考候选节点曾经当选簇首节点频率、邻居节点的个数和剩余能量,并采用多跳通信的方式进行能量传播。最后通过NS2模拟软件对两种协议进行仿真模拟,通过仿真结果表明,该非均匀分簇路由协议能够很好地均衡网络间节点的能量消耗,以延长网络寿命。 28839
    关键词 无线传感器网络 分簇路由协议 能量消耗 NS2
    Title   Research of Non Uniform Clustering Routing Protocol in  Wireless Sensor Networks
    Energy consumption of wireless sensor has been restricting the development of wireless sensor network bottleneck,energy source sensor nodes are battery, can not be easily supplemented secondary energy Therefore, how to balance energy consumption as much as possible of each node, in order to increase the lifetime of the sensor network, it has become a hot research now.
    In this paper, a non-uniform clustering routing protocol for the study, based on the principle of wireless sensor network routing protocol to balance energy consumption.Typical uniform clustering routing protocol --LEACH protocol research and analysis, we summarized and summarized for their energy uneven "energy of the hot areas" caused and cluster head node selection too random questions and Based on this reference to put forward a non-uniform clustering routing protocol EBL  protocol, EBL in selecting cluster head node when the reference candidate once elected cluster head node frequency, the number of neighbor nodes and the remaining energy, the NS2 simulation software for both protocol simulation, the simulation results show that the non-uniform clustering routing protocol can be a good balance between the energy consumption of network nodes to extend the network lifetime.
    Keywords clustering routing protocol, wireless sensor network,energy consumption,NS2
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
     1.1  课题背景及研究目的和意义    1
     1.2  国内外研究现状    1
     1.3  本文的工作    3
    2. 无线传感器网络概述    3
     2.1无线传感器网络发展及研究现状    3
     2.2无线传感器网络实际应用产品    4
     2.3无线传感器的关键技术    5
    3. 无线传感路由协议的概述    6
     3.1 研究背景    6
     3.2 无线传感路由协议的能量消耗    6
     3.3 典型的分簇路由协议    7
       3.3.1  分簇路由协议网络结构    7
       3.3.2  现有分簇路由协议解析    8
    4  基于LEACH协议的研究与改进    13
     4.1 LEACH协议存在的问题    13
       4.1.1  LEACH协议的原理    13
       4.1.2  存在的问题    14
     4.2 基于能量均衡的路由协议EBL    15
       4.2.1  簇首节点的选取    17
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