    关键词  指纹识别 指纹比对 MSP430 FM-180
    Title    The Design of Fingerprint Identification  System Based on MSP430 MCU                    
    It is no doubt that fingerprint identification is the most common biometric modality, which can be used to authenticate the identity of a person. Automatic identification systems based on fingerprint recognition have been extensively deployed in the industrial and forensics area. Because of the huge market prospect of fingerprint identification technology, this paper focuses on the design of fingerprint identification system. With MSP430F149 development board as the platform, using MSP430F149 serial port connects FM-180 fingerprint identification module. According to the requirements of instruction of the fingerprint identification module, we use C language programming to achieve the fingerprint identification system based on serial port communication by adopting the method of structured programming, in the IAR programming environment. Finally after the test, the system performs well: Under the coordination of the software and hardware modules, the system completes the fingerprint acquisition, matching and empty; Users use buttons for the control and mode switching function; And the LCD module displays the related message. This system has the advantages of simple design, excellent performance and has a certain practicality.
    Keywords  Fingerprint identification Fingerprint matching MSP430 FM-180
    目   次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  发展趋势与开发背景    1
    1.2  指纹识别系统的基本原理    1
    1.3  系统完成的目标    3
    1.4  论文的主要内容    3
    2  硬件系统设计    4
    2.1  硬件模块的选择    4
    2.2  硬件系统整体框图    8
    软件程序设计    10
    3.1  程序设计语言的选择    10
    3.2  IAR EW430简介    10
    3.3  系统功能与实现原理    11
    结  论    22
    致  谢    24
    1  绪论
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