    摘要人口老龄化推动着社会医疗、养老保险制度的完善。体积小、便携性好、功耗低的可穿戴式实时检测设备也开始具备老年人的远程医疗和远程实时监测方面的功能。本智能腕表系统结合嵌入式开发和MEMS 传感器应用,实现了摔倒检测、脉率检测和自动定位报警功能,满足了人们对腕表在安全定位和医疗健康方面的功能期望。本设计基于 Nucleus OS 系统,采用 MTK 公司的 MT6260A芯片作为主控制芯片,完成了硬件电路设计和软件调试工作:(1)采用三轴加速度传感器 MMA7455 和低功耗单片机 ATmega16L 来实现对人体的实时摔倒检测。通过单片机对三轴加速度传感器采集的加速度信息进行实时分析处理,判断当人体发生摔倒时进行定位并自动报警;(2)利用了光电传感器 NJL5303R 来设计电路并实现实时脉搏监测。内置的绿光 LED 作为发光源,检测经过血液吸收后反射回来的光强波动来确定脉率并进行实时监测;(3)当检测到人体发生摔倒或者脉率异常时,启动定位功能获取当前位置信息并进行自动报警。30487
    毕业论文关键词 可穿戴设备 摔倒检测 脉搏监测 自动报警 MT6260A
    Title The Development of Smartwatch in Embedded System
    Abstract Aging of population promotes the perfection of the social health insurance andpension system. Wearable devices with small size,high portability and low powerconsumption, are beginning to equip with telemedicine and real-time remotemonitoring system for elderly people.The Smartwatch System combines embeddedoperating system and MEMS sensor to realize the function of fall detection,pulserate admeasure,localization and auto-alarm,which is satisfied with people'sdesired functionality .The system, using MT6260A chip from MTK. company as host processing chip, mainlyrealizes functions as below:(1)realize the real-time fall detection,usingthree-axis accelerometer MMA7455 and low power consumption MCUATmega16L.ATmega16L deals with the data collected by Sensor MMA7455,smartwatchwill alarm automaticly as long as people fall. (2)design circuit with thephotoelectric transducer NJL5303R to monitor the pulse rate in time.The built-inGREEN LED works as light source. NJL5303R detects the periodically changingintensity of reflected light and converts the light change to electronicsignal.(3)The system starts the localization when people fall or pulse rate isabnormal, get the current location from GPS and sends a message to alram.
    Keywords wearable devices fall detection pulse rate admeasure auto-alarm
    目 次
    1 绪论. 1
    1.1 可穿戴技术的发展和应用前景. 1
    1.1.1 可穿戴技术 1
    1.1.2 应用前景 2
    1.2 可穿戴设备的发展现状和腕表目标功能. 3
    1.2.1 嵌入式系统 3
    1.2.2 摔倒检测 3
    1.2.3 脉搏测量 5
    1.2.4 定位 5
    1.2.5 报警 6
    1.3 腕表功能与论文内容安排. 6
    2 智能腕表硬件电路设计. 8
    2.1 智能腕表实现原理及总框图. 8
    2.2 智能腕表实现平台. 8
    2.3 摔倒检测原理及硬件电路设计 11
    2.3.1 加速度检测及摔倒判断原理 11
    2.3.2 摔倒检测电路硬件选型 17
    2.3.3 基于 MMA7455 和ATmega16L 的摔倒检测硬件电路实现 20
    2.3.4MMA7455 寄存器和HM-12 蓝牙模块参数设置 22
    2.4 光电式脉搏监测原理及硬件电路设计 25
    2.4.1 光电式脉搏检测原理 25
    2.4.2 脉搏监测电路硬件选型 25
    2.4.3 基于 NJL5303R 的脉搏监测硬件电路实现.26
    2.5 定位和报警功能实现原理及硬件电路设计 28
    2.5.1 定位和报警原理 28
    2.5.2 定位电路和报警电路硬件选型 30
    2.5.3 基于 MT3336 GPS 芯片的定位功能和自动短信报警功能的硬件电路实现32
    2.6 本章小结. 35
    3 智能腕表嵌入式软件实现. 36
    3.1 MTK 嵌入式软件平台. 36
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