
    Let us introduced each chapter in short.
    In the second chapter, I briefly introduced the concept of the automated warehouse, sketch map of warehouse, the classification and construction of the aisle stacking crane, the sort and characteristic of transducer as well as the development of history in briefly, building the foundation for the later research.
    In the third chapter, I briefly introduced the principle of location measure control, could be classified the location measure as absolute location and relative location. The effect of absolute location has a good accuracy with few  position error except for the complicated installation and adjustment and expensive cost; with the lower cost of relative location, the way of position take the beforehand position as the reference. If one location was wrong, others would make a mistake too. So, we had to  attach  the certain  procedure  in software to carry on the adjustment.  In this chapter, we generalized to analyze several kinds of orientation and to select a new control method which could adopt laser distance measuring address. The laser  distance  measuring  address  has  certain  shortcoming  in application because this technology is not very mature. So, we put forward a means that combine the laser distance measuring address and photo-electricity switch to solve this shortcoming in practical.

    In the fourth chapter, the main content was about frequency converter velocity and closed-loop control in detail. On the basis of the third chapter mentioned the updated of new position method, the aisle stacking crane has been enhanced the walking speed and controlled the velocity.  The result of research and practice indicated that frequency converter velocity modulation in each kind of velocity modulation project was quite ideal.  Because of slight volume, light weight, high precise control, protection function consummating, job  safe reliably,  simple operating  process,  strong  versatility,  objective  energy  conservation  effect, transducer had a good capacity. The entire control system has used the double closed-loop control before improved. For the new location modes, we could control the distance concerning the order address by opened-loop control system, and, speed controlled by closed-loop. When  we getting the signal of the distance, we transited it to speed feedback through differentiator. Under the function of differentiator, we converted the signal of distance into the signal of speed and adjusted to appropriate velocity in line with the curve of run.

    In the fifth chapter, as a result of location mode renewal and walking speed enhanced, we had to confirm the validity of the conclusions. The flexibility and the vibration of column had to effect the enhancement of velocity during walking. At first, we established the stacking mathematical model and worked out the stress analysis concerning column, then, lists the column the equation of flexibility and the equation of vibration, what's more, according to each kind of technical parameter,  we  obtained  the  value  of column  flexibility  and the  vibration amplitude ,at finally, we carried on the simulation analysis. On the basis of the result of analysis and the professional standard, we could conclude that:
    (1)The column might to bend in the course of walking, flexibility not only related to the acceleration of stacking but also had something to the coordinates caused in the cargo unit vertical during the forks raising and falling.  With invariable situation in the cargo vertical direction, the flexibility of column correspondingly increased along with the acceleration increase; the maximize displacement must occur in the end of column; under the same condition the cargo arrived at the top when the elevating mechanism goods did, the flexibility of column also maximum.
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