    关键词  火电厂 继电保护 发电机 短路电流 整定计算
    Title   Design and calculation setting of the relay protection                                           
    Large capacity coal-fired power plant is the main form of power supply,the protective relay device ensure the reliability and safety of power supply in thermal power plants.This action has important significance to the system.It puts forward higher requirements to the relay protection design and setting work of power plant,with the increasing of network’s capacity.Generators is the most expensive equipment in the thermal power plant,to solve all kinds of abnormal working status that they might appear,relay protection principle of generator is needed.
    Based on the given related data of a 660 MW thermal power plant in Jiangsu,it has completed the conversion of the equipment parameters,and the calculation to three-phase short-circuit current and single-phase short-circuit current.In the last part,it’s the calculation setting to longitudinal differential protection,compound voltage over-current protection,stator symmetry over load protection,stator over protection,frequency protection and field loss protection of the generator.
    Keywords  Thermal power plant   Relay protection   Generator   Short-circuit current   Calculation setting
    目  次
      1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的背景及意义    1
    1.2  继电保护发展历程    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状及发展趋势    2
    1.4  论文的主要工作    4
    2  火电厂继电保护构成及整定原则    6
    2.1  火电厂概述    6
    2.2  继电保护原理及保护装置的构成    7
    2.3  发电机的故障和不正常运行状态    8
    2.4  发电机继电保护构成    8
    2.5  本章小结    9
    3  火电厂短路电流的计算    11
    3.1  参数计算    11
    3.2  短路电流计算    12
    4  火电厂发电机保护方案设计和整定计算    20
    4.1  主保护    20
    4.2  后备保护    23
    4.3  定子绕组对称过负荷保护    25
    4.4  定子过电压保护    26
    4.5  频率保护    27
    4.6  失磁保护    29
    结  论    31
    致  谢    32
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题的背景及意义
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