    摘要随着时代的进步与发展,科技日新月异,在这个人类文明飞速发展的时代,时间变成了人们时刻关心的问题,因此使得电子万年历与人们的日常生活变得密不可分。为了更好的满足人们的需求,它现在的功能不仅仅局限于对年、月、日、周、时、分、秒进行计时,还添加了闹钟定时,温度测量等多种功能。此次毕业设计所设计的多功能万年历除了具备一般日历所具有的时钟与日历功能外,还添加了温度以及闹铃的设置显示功能。为了使设计的万年历具有多种功能,例如显示温度、设置闹铃功能,所以设计包含了MSP430F149单片机模块, 键盘key模块, DS1302模块, 温度传感器DS18B20,LCD1602显示屏模块。核心主控模块设有7 个按键,根据实际使用设置初始时间和闹铃功能。16 位超低耗单片机MSP430 由 TI公司生产,一般被用来作为系统的硬件平台,其具有的低功耗工作模式,既提高运算的速度,又降低功耗,同时也使电池具有了更长的使用周期。数字钟能够稳定、可靠、连续、长期地工作;同时还具有功耗低,体积小等等特点,因此更易于携带,使用更为方便。为了要将数据显示在液晶显示屏上,所以一般利用数字电路来实现这个功能。30777
    关键词 MSP430F149;DS18B20;DS1302;1602
    Title MSP430 microcontroller-based calendar system design
    Abstract With the development and progress of the times and technological advances, in thisera of rapid development of human civilization, time becomes a problem that peopleare always concerned about, thus making e-calendar is closely related to people'severyday life.In order to better meet the needs of people, it now features notjust of years, months, days, week, hour, minute, second, timing, or add alarm clocktiming, temperature measurements and many other functions.Functional calendarwith the graduation project design in addition to its General calendar with clockand calendar functions, also added a temperature alarm setting display.In orderto make the calendar design with a variety of functions, such as the display, setthe temperature alarm function, so design includes MSP430F149 microcontrollermodule, keyboard key module, DS1302 module, temperature sensor DS18B20,LCD1602display module.Core master module with 7 buttons, set the initial time and alarmfunctions based on actual usage.Produced by TI MSP430 ultra low power 16-bitmicrocontroller (MCU) was used as the hardware platform, the low-power mode, whichimprove the speed of operations, reduce power consumption, but also so that thebattery has a longer life cycle.Digital clock to provide a steady, reliable,continuous and long-term work;Also with low power consumption, small size, andso on characteristics, therefore, easier to carry, more convenient to use.In orderto display data on the LCD screen, so generally use digital circuits to achievethe function..
    Keywords MSP430F149;DS18B20;DS1302;1602
    1 引言.. 3
    1. 1 概述. 3
    1.2 课题研究背景与意义.. 3
    1.2.1 课题研究背景 4
    1.2.2 课题研究意义 4
    1.3 MSP430F149 单片机介绍.4
    2 系统的总体设计. 15
    2.1 功能说明.. 15
    3 模块介绍及分析. 16
    3.1 矩阵键盘模块 16
    3.1.1 4*4 矩阵式键盘识别显示系统概述.. 16
    3.1.2 矩阵键盘扫描基本原理 17
    3.1.3 程序设计 17
    3.1.4 其他构思 19
    3.2 1602 液晶屏 20
    3.2.1 基本原理 20
    3.2.2 程序设计 22
    3.3 DS18B20 温度传感器.. 24
    3.3.1 基本原理 24
    3.3.2 程序设计 26
    3.3.3 问题及解决方法 27
    3.4 DS1302.. 28
    3.4.1 基本原理 28
    3.4.2 程序设计 30
    3.4.3 问题及解决方法 31
    4 调试与结果 32
    4.1 实验结果以及界面. 32
    4.2 实验规划中的部分. 34
    4.2.1 闹钟蜂鸣器的设计 34
    4.2.2 实验中有待改进的部分 35
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