    本文研究的是10KV智能分界开关控制器的一个功能模块即电量采集模块,该电量采集模块采用ATT7022芯片作为采集芯片,电量采集模块采用ATT7022芯片作为采集芯片,通过采集PT的电压信号和CT的电流信号,计算出电压有效值和电流有效值,采用ARM单片机作为主控芯片,通过SPI接口获取ATT7022的电压和电流采样值,通过算术平均和中值滤波减小数值误差。为了满足该采集模块的功能,本文在简略介绍了主控芯片和电量采集芯片后,使用Altium Designer Summer 09 研究了该模块的电路,并使用Keil平台开发出对应的C语言程序。本文主要完成了主程序和LPC1788底层驱动的设计,包括SPI通讯接口程序和数据输出程序。30981
    关键词  电量;C语言;接口驱动;SPI
    Title    The Software Design of A Collection Module of Electric  Power Parameters Based on ATT7022                                               
    Electric power is an integral part of human life and it has become  an important energy source nowadays, as important as the coal,oil and natural gas,they all can meet the needs of people's lives and promote the industrialization of industrial upgrading,so the quality of electrical power is increasingly becoming an aspect of concern.
    This dissertation is about a functional module of a 10KV intelligent demarcation switch controller as known as collection module of electric power parameters. This module uses ATT7022 chip as the acquisition chip to collect current and voltage signal,and uses the ARM chip microcontroller as central processing unit to calculate the RMS of voltage current,the data of voltage and current sampled by ATT7022 is obtained through the SPI interface,using the arithmetic mean and median filter to reduce the numerical errors.Accord to the setted threshold,the module determines whether a power failure happening. Fulfilling the funcitions of this module,the dissertation briefly describes the CPU chip and power parameter collection chip,using Altium Designer Summer 09 studies the module circuit,and using Keil platform program. This dissertation mainly completed the programming of hardware interfaces,including SPI communication interface and data output program.
    Keywords  electric power parameter; C language;interface driver;SPI
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  电能检测方法    1
    1.3  电能检测装置    1
    1.3.1  DSP芯片简介    2
    1.4  章节安排    2
    2  开发环境简介    4
    2.1  硬件开发工具    4
    2.2  软件开发平台    4
    3  电量采集模块硬件结构    6
    3.1  硬件结构框图    6
    3.1.1  模块主控芯片LPC1778    6
    3.1.2  电量采集芯片ATT7022EU    6
    3.2  LPC1778最小系统    7
    3.2.1  晶振电路    7
    3.2.2  调试接口    8
    3.2.3  3.3V供电电源    8
    3.3  交流采样模块电路    9
    3.4  通讯电路    10
    3.5  本章小结    11
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