    毕业论文关键词:    智能家电;语音交互;语音识别;LD3320
    The intelligent home control system based on voice
    Abstract:     Speech interaction is the most convenient means of human communication and exchange of information and the most important media, for a long time, people want to find a new way to solve the way of interaction between human and machine, machine and equipment can "listen" to understand human speech information interaction, recognition and its meaning, thus make the corresponding response this action, interaction can be more accepted by users, to replace the original keyboard, buttons, switches and other traditional interactive voice recognition technology, speaker has become a new way of human-computer interaction is an important development direction and research focus on. This thesis is mainly to design a set of intelligent home appliances control system based on speech recognition. Mainly pided into two parts: the main control system and control device. Get voice commands issued by the main control system, analysis of the speech signal is obtained after the corresponding instruction, the corresponding instruction data package and encrypted by sending a wireless RF chip to control equipment, control equipment after receiving the signal of the corresponding unpack operation, and check the validity of data. If the data is correct, then the corresponding operation to achieve the control of household appliances.
    Keywords:    Intelligent home appliance; Interaction; Recognition; LD3320
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景    1
    1.2    意义    2
    1.3    国内外现状    2
    1.4    课题简要介绍    4
    1.5    未来的可能发展    4
    2    详细设计    6
    2.1    设计概要    6
    2.2    系统架构    6
    2.3    设计方案    7
    2.3.1    硬件方案    7
    2.3.2    软件部分    11
    2.4    流程图    16
    2.5    原理图    18
    2.6    基础程序代码简介    22
    2.6.1    SPI读写操作    22
    2.6.2    EEPROM操作    22
    2.7    关键问题及解决方案    24
    3    系统特色及应用场景    26
    3.1    特色    26
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