    摘 要智能家居又称智能住宅,将网络通讯、自动控制和计算机网络融于一体。智能家居使人们的生活更为方便,用户可以使用移动设备对家居进行控制,比如通过电话、互联网或者语音识别等,从而给人们带来高效、舒适、安全和便利的生活。 32080
    本文通过调查研究,选用MSP430F6638作为控制芯片,同时使用ZigBee构建家居内部网络,由Wi-Fi网络组建家居外部网络,并且设计出适用的智能家居系统。 本文系统由四个子模块组成,分别是主控中心子模块、信息采集与设备控制子模块、ZigBee网络通讯子模块和Wi-Fi网络通讯子模块。本文阐述各个子模块软硬件设计以及实现的过程。系统经过验证,具备采集家居内部温度和光强,并且检测有危险的气体以及控制灯光等功能。为了能够拓展系统,本文设计的智能家居系统留有很多接口以备用,而且系统各个模块相互独立,方便日后增添新的功能。
    毕业论文关键词:嵌入式系统   智能家居   Wi-Fi   Zigbee   MSP430F6638
    Smart home and into smart homes, it put network communications, automatic control and computer network into together. Smart home makes people’s lives easier, Users is able to use mobile devices to control home, For example through mobile phones, the Internet and the speech recognition. So as to bring efficient, comrortable, safe and convenient living.
    Through the research, we decided to use as a control basis MSP430F6638, ZigBee home use to build internal network, Wi-Fi home network set up by the external network,  And design a suitable smart home system. In this paper, the system consists of four sub-modules. Namely control center sub-module, information collection and device control sub-module, ZigBee network communications sub-module and Wi-Fi network communications sub-module. This paper describes the various sub-module software and hardware design and realization process. Modulated system, with the acquisition of home interior temperature and light intensity, and detect dangerous gases and control lighting and other functions. To be able to expand the system, the design of smart home left a lot of interfaces to spare. And each module system is independent, adding new features to facilitate future.
    The system is availability in this paper. But the system aiso has many shortcomings, and need to improve.
    KEY WORDS:embedded system   smart home   Wi-Fi   ZigBee MSP430F6638    
    目  录
    摘 要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪论    2
    1.1 智能家居系统研究课题背景    2
    1.2 智能家居系统的国内外现状及发展趋势    2
    1.2.1 国外智能家居发展现状    2
    1.2.2 国内智能家居发展现状    2
    1.2.3 智能家居的国内外发展趋势    2
    1.3 课题研究的目的及意义    2
    1.4 课题的研究内容和论文结构安排    2
    1.5 智能家居实现的具体描述    2
    2  整体系统的方案设计    2
    2.1 智能家居的系统构成及功能分析    2
    2.2 几种无线通信方式比较    2
    2.3 Wi-Fi 技术分析    2
    2.3.1 Wi-Fi 发展与应用概况    2
    2.3.2 Wi-Fi 协议架构    2
    2.4 ZigBee 技术分析    2
    2.4.1 ZigBee 网络中的设备    2
    2.4.2 ZigBee 网络拓扑结构    2
    2.4.3 ZigBee 协议架构    2
    2.5 智能家居系统的完整架构设计    2
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