    系统采用MSP430F5310单片机作为微处理器, MEMS传感器则采用MPU9150,其三轴正交的陀螺仪、加速度计组成惯性测量单元分别感应x轴、y轴、z轴的角速度与重力加速度,由三轴正交的磁力计感应地磁场分量,构成组合姿态测量系统。
    关键词  MSP430单片机   MEMS器件   姿态解算   欧拉角与四元数
    Title      The Design of Attitude Measurement System    Based on 9150                                   
    With the miniaturization of the chip technology and development of ultra low power microcontroller, human pose measurement technique based on inertial sensors caused the attention of more and more researchers. We set the inertial sensors to the key parts of the moving objects, then catch the capture position sensor and obtain the three-dimensional coordinate data through the computer.
    The system uses MSP430F5310 MCU as its microprocessor, MEMS sensor is used MPU9150, three-axis orthogonal gyroscopes, acceleration meter form inertial measurement unit are respectively induced x axis, Y axis and Z axis angular velocity and acceleration of gravity, by the three orthogonal axes of the induction magnetometer magnetic field component, constitute integrated attitude measurement system.
    Attitude measurement technology  realizes the action of the digital, provides a new means of human-computer interaction, is widely used in the field of virtual reality system, robot remote control, interactive games and sports training.
    Keywords  MSP430 MCU    MEMS device    attitude solution    the attitude angle and quaternion
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
         1.1  姿态测量系统的研究背景和意义  1
         1.2  姿态测量系统的研究现状和发展趋势… 2
         1.3  本文研究内容和组织结构 4
    2  姿态测量系统的工作原理… 5
         2.1  姿态测量系统概述  5
         2.2  常用坐标系 … 6
         2.3  姿态测量系统的坐标变换 7
         2.4  常用的几种捷联姿态算法 8
         2.5  本章小结  10
    3  姿态测量系统的硬件设计… 12
         3.1  惯性传感器模块设计… 12
         3.2  微处理器模块设计 15
         3.3  数据采集模块设计  16
         3.4  无线通信模块设计  17
         3.5  电源模块设计  19
         3.6  电池充电模块设计  19
         3.7  本章小结  20
    4  姿态测量系统的软件设计… 21
         4.1  微控制器模块程序设计 21
         4.2  惯性传感器模块程序设计… 24
         4.3  数据采集模块程序设计 24
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