    关键词  功耗检测  单片机  VB串口通信  电路设计
    Title    The Development of a Real-time Power Measurement  System for Fuze Circuits                        
    With the enrichment of functions and the enhancement of performance for fuzes, the requirements of performance for fuzes are increasing. Micropower is therefore an important development trend of modern electric fuzes. Obtaining the accurate dynamic power consumption data of fuze circuits, which is of great importance for improving circuit design and optimizing the match of battery performance.
    The purpose of this project is to design a real-time power measurement system which includes a hardware circuit based on C8051F410 microcontroller used to measure the supply voltage and current consumption of fuze circuits and a software written by VB used to achieve the calculation of power and dynamic display of measurement data. During the process of design, a joint software simulation debugging for microcontroller and PC software programs is implemented. Finally, the ultimate product of this system is also debugged by experiments whose result shows that the measurement error can be controlled within 5% or less at low power consumption state and the entire power measurement system has relatively excellent practicality and stability.
    Keywords  power measurement  microcontroller  VB serial communication   circuit design
    目   次
    1 绪论  1
    1.1 课题背景 1
    1.2 功耗测试技术发展现状分析  1
    1.3 行文结构 3
    2  总体方案设计  4
    2.1 设计要求 4
    2.2 设计方案 4
    3 下位机电路设计 7
    3.1 硬件电路设计 7
    3.2 单片机软件编程 17
    4 上位机软件设计30
    4.1 开发环境介绍 30
    4.2 软件功能设计 30
    4.3 上位机软件调试 35
    5 实验验证 37
    5.1 软件仿真验证 37
    5.2 实物测试验证 39
    5.3 引信电路功耗测试 46
    结论  49
    致谢  50
    附录A  单片机程序  52
    附录B  上位机软件程序  61

    图2.1 测试系统基本组成图  6
    图3.1 C8051F410引脚图 8
    图3.2 AD8206引脚图 9
    图3.3 AD623引脚图 9
    图3.4 ISL22316引脚图 10
    图3.5 电路原理图 11
    图3.6 信号采集电路 12
    图3.7 多级放大电路 13
    图3.8 低通滤波电路 13
    图3.9 单片机接口原理图 14
    图3.10 单片机外围稳压电路原理图 15
    图3.11 单片机C2接口原理图 15
    图3.12 电压转换电路原理图 15
    图3.13 电路封装图 16
    图3.14 PCB板实物图16
    图3.15 单片机主程序流程图 23
    图3.16 UART中断程序流程图25
    图3.17 ADC转换完成中断流程图 26
    图3.18 Keil软件仿真界面 28
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