    A design based on Piezoelectric transducer By Microcontrollers
    Abstract:With the development of human being’s civilization and science and technology,our life getting external information just by the five sense organs is no more enough.Transducers which are enriching and replenishing our five sense organs are created. Looking back at history, it is longer than we can image. At times of dynasty of Egypt, scalens which we are familiar with were widely used by human being.We gain information by transducers as medium,then information treated by a special process and it is easier for us to understand natural phenomenon.The system combining transducers with signal processing is the trend of development nowadays.The design aims at that the signal testted by a transducer goes through analog to digital conversion、signal amplification and finally display values in a electronic screen. During the process, a intelligent sensor  is composed by a piezoelectric transducer、a signal processing circuit、I/O port in a circuit board.Transducers are linked with our life     closely.We can phycially perceive the world by transducers testing and values displayed which will promote the development of transducers and as a result,our life will be more digital and intelligent.
    KeyWords: transducer;test;analog to digital conversion;    
     目  录
    1  设计总体1
    1.1本课题的基本内容 1
    2.1  单片机简述 1
    2.1.1  STC89C52 40CPDIP芯片1
    2.1.2  引脚简述2
    2.1.3  单片机周期4
    3  传感器5
    3.1  传感器简述 5
    3.2  国内外研究现状与水平 5
    3.3  压电加速度传感器 6
        3.3.1  压电加速度传感器7
    4  A/D转换7
    4.1  A/D转换简述 7
    4.2  ADC0832简述 8
    5  晶振和串口9
    5.1  晶振简述 9
    5.2  晶振选择 9
     5.3  串口简述 10
    6  LCD简述10
    6.1  LCD简述 10
    6.2  LCD160210
    7  电位器、上拉电阻、电容、蜂鸣器、自锁开关、排针12
    7.1  电位器简述 12
    7.2  上拉电阻简述 12
     7.3  电容简述 12
    7.4  蜂鸣器简述 13
    7.5  自锁开关简述 13
     7.6  排针简述 13
    8  硬件组装针13
    8.1  实践操作简述 13
      9.1  C语言 16
    9.2  主程序分析 17
    10  设计总结19
      10.1  设计总结 19
    1  设计总体
       本课题主要完成基于单片机的压电加速度传感器信号处理的功能,本系统采用单片机STC89C52为控制核心,实现压电式加速度传感器采集信号的功能。系统的硬件部分包括压电式加速度传感器,放大、信号处理电路、A/D转换电路、STC89C52单片机 、显示屏五大部分。软件部分应用单片机 编程语言实现本设计的全部控制功能,包括基本的数据采集功能功能,由于系统资源丰富,还可以方便的扩展其应用。   
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