    摘要系统以STC90C516RD+单片机为核心控制元件,以ULN2003作为驱动原件,以步进电机主要为执行元件,并以光敏电阻作为检测元件,由PCF8591进行A/D转换,将光信号转换成数字信号传给单片机。按键和数码管为输入/输出设备,以更好地实现智能自动控制。通过软件调试最终实现了窗帘的手动控制、自动控制、光照控制和定时控制等各项功能,电动窗帘的设计给人们的生活带来了非常大的方便。同时也为人们的生活环境以及智能家居系统的实现提供了依据,为此,研究和设计光控窗帘控制系统具有深远的现实意义。 34772
    Stepping motor control system
    The core control element is STC90C516RD+ as a single-chip microcomputer,the ULN2003 as the original driver ,the main implement component is step motor. Besides the photoconductive resistance is used as the light test component,trough PCF8591A/D conversion, the converted digital signal passes to the microcontroller. Keys and digital tube as the input/output devices can achieve intelligent automatic control better. After programming, protues as a simulation software to test, and bonding technology for hardware debugging and testing and finally reach the expectations of system function. The design of electric curtain brought great convenience to people's life. As well as people's living environment and the realization of the smart home system will provide a basis, therefore, the research and design relating to the curtain control system has far-reaching practical significance.  
     Keywords: SCM (STC90C516RD+); Stepping motor; Light control; Timing control
    1.绪论    1
    1.1步进电机及其发展    1
    1.2课题背景    2
    1.3现实意义    2
    1.4研究现状及发展趋势    2
    1.5技术方案的选择    3
    1.5.1单片机的选择    3
    1.5.2  A/D芯片PCF8591的选择    4
    2.设计硬件简介    5
    2.1步进电机介绍    5
    2.2  ULN2003达林顿管    6
    2.3 光敏二极管    7
    2.4  A/D转换电路    7
    2.5 STC90C516RD+单片机简介    8
    3 总体设计方案    10
    3.1设计思想    10
    3.2 基本功能    10
    3.3 结构规划    10
    4 设计电路分析    11
    4.1 光检测电路    11
    4.2 I2C总线传输    12
    4.3 步进电机电路    13
    4.4 数码管驱动显示电路    14
    5 系统软件设计    15
    5.1设计总流程图    15
    5.2 程序实验    16
    6 调试与改进    22
    6.1软件设计中遇到的问题    22
    6.2 硬件设计中遇到的问题    22
    7 实验总结    23
    参考文献    24
    致谢    25
    附录    26
    1 主控制程序    26
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