    关键词: 裂纹检测,MATLAB,图像处理,特征提取
    Steel surface crack detection system based on image processing
    Abstract:In recent years, with the development of China's economy, our domestic steel consumption has a substantial growth. Therefore, in today's rapid development of the steel industry, the pursuit of the amount of steel has been the goal of large-scale iron and steel enterprises. The steel quality detection is the most important aspect in the production process of steel. Only enterprises have the timely and accurate product quality testing, and then they can adjust production according to the specific production strategy. This topic focuses on the problem of artificial steel surface crack detection with inefficiency and lack of quality assurance. This paper studies the application of image processing in the steel surface crack detection and using the software “MATLAB” to complete the image preprocessing and the crack identification. In this paper, we use “MATLAB” as a platform to study the digital processing of images deeply, and at last achieve the algorithm implementation of the type of image conversion, image filtering, image segmentation, morphology, and feature extraction algorithm.
    Keywords: Crack detection, MATLAB, Image processing, Feature extraction

    1绪论    1
    1.1论文的背景与意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    1
    1.3数字图像处理的优势    2
    1.4数字图像处理简介    3
    1.4.1 图像处理    3
    1.4.2 图像处理的应用    4
    2MATLAB软件简介    7
    2.1MATLAB的优点    8
    2.2MATLAB的缺点    8
    2.3MATLAB图像处理工具简介    9
    2.3.1 四种图像类型    9
    3图像的预处理及边缘检测    11
    3.1图像预处理    11
    3.1.1 真彩色图像转换为灰度图像    11
    3.1.2 图像求反    13
    3.1.3 图像增强    13
    3.1.4 图像平滑    15
    3.2图像分割    20
    3.2.1 阈值分割    21
    3.2.2 边缘检测    23
    4钢材表面裂纹的数字图像处理检测系统    29
    4.1现有数字图像处理    29
    4.2本方案设计的数字图像处理    30
    4.3系统的硬件平台    35
    5结论与展望    37
    5.1结论    37
    5.2展望    37
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