    摘 要:随着工业生产技术的高速发展,对于工业生产中的各种参数(电流、电压、流量、温度、湿度、压力等)控制要求越来越严格。温度是工业生产领域中常见的重要参数之一,工业中液体加热的温度控制尤为重要,恒温液体被广泛应用在工业生产中,针对现代工业领域生产实践中对恒温液体的要求,设计出关于MSP430单片机的温度测量与控制系统。本设计是以MSP430单片机为核心的针对工业领域液体温度测量与控制的系统,使用DS18B20温度传感器进行温度测量,设置温度上限与下限,使用电加热器装置对目标液体进行加热。利用可控硅实现单片机控制电加热器装置的通断使液体保持恒定温度范围的目的,并且使当前温度及温度的范围值在液晶显示器上显示。本系统的研究将对液体恒温控制领域的发展具有促进作用。36192
    Abstract: With the rapid development of industrial technology,increasingly stringent requirements of the industrial production of various parameters (current, voltage, flow rate, temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.) control. Temperature is one of important parameters of common in the field of industrial production, industrial heating liquid temperature control is particularly important, constant temperature liquid is widely used in industrial production, according to the requirements of liquid temperature in the field of modern industrial production practice, the design of MSP430 MCU temperature measurement and control system. The design is based on MSP430 MCU as the core of the field for the industry liquid temperature measurement and control system, using DS18B20 temperature sensor for measuring temperature and setting temperature upper limit and lower limit, the use of electric heater for heating liquid target. The controllable silicon MCU control electric heater on-off allows the liquid to keep constant temperature range, and the current temperature and temperature range value is displayed on the LCD. The study of this system will have effect on the liquid temperature control in the field of development.
    Key Words:Temperature measurement and control; Liquid heating; Thyristor; Constant temperature; MSP430 MCU
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1.方案论证    2
    1.1温度测量部分    2
    1.2主控制方案选择    3
    1.3系统总体方案    3
    2.硬件电路设计    4
    2.1温度测量及控制单元    4
    2.2键盘单元    5
    2.3液晶显示单元    6
    2.4报警电路单元    6
    2.5电源输入单元    7
    3.系统软件设计    8
    3.1主程序方案    8
    3.2各模块程序结构分析    9
    4.系统调试    9
    4.1系统硬件调试    9
    4.2系统软件调试    10
    4.3总体调试    10
    5.结束语    11
    参考文献    12
    附录:电路原理图、实物图及主程序    13
    致  谢    21
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