    摘要:    根据8052单片机的特点及交通灯在实际控制中的特点,本文提出一种用单片机自动控制交通灯及时间显示的方法。同时给出了软硬件设计方法,设计过程包括硬件电路设计和程序设计两大步骤,对在单片机应用中可能遇到的重要技术问题都有涉足。本文对十字路口状态预设为两种,一种是正常状态,另一种是故障或紧急状态,并分别用黄、红、绿色灯的不同组合来表示。本文介绍了控制基本原理以及控制的表现,同时也介绍了城市交通信系统的设计目标, 开发途径及其系统结构与功能和数据地理编码、建库, 同时, 论述了系统中交通现状、交通管理、交通规划及背景信息查询模块的建造及应用。介绍了用于城市交叉路口的三色程控交通信号时间显示器的研制方案,对其电源供电、发光二极管构成的负载结构、灯色时间检测都给出了精巧合理的优化结构,大幅度地提高了产品可靠性并降低了制造成本。36242
    Design of traffic light based on AT89C52 single chip microcomputer
    Abstract: According to the feature of SCM8052 and the characteristics of traffic lights in real control, the article puts forward the method of using single-chip microcomputer to control automatically the traffic signal lights and time-show. The method of realization of hardware has also been given, the whole process included hardware circuit designing and program designing, in which some important technique problem that may meet during the use of Single chip involved. In this paper,the state of crossing was designed as two states. One is normal, another breakdowns or urgent, which are expressed with different color lamp named yellow、red and green. The basic principle and method of controlling are introduced. In this paper, the design goals, development ways, system structure, system functions, geographic codes and data base of the Urban Traffic Information System (U T IS) were presented. Furthermore, the development and the application tests of the traffic situation model, the traffic management model, the traffic plan model and the background information inurement model of U T IS were discussed. This paper introduces the development scheme of three-color programmable traffic signal time indicator used in the level-crossing of our city, and gives its power supply, load construction made by LED and time detection of traffic lamp color a reasonable optimize structure. The reliability of Product is substantially improved while the cost is reduced.
    Key Words:SCM8052;traffic lights;automatic control;time indicator; external interrupt
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的而目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究状况和水平    1
    1.3    本课题的重点    3
    1.4    本章小结    3
    2    交通灯及其控制系统    4
    2.1    交通灯的作用    4
    2.2    交通灯工作原理    4
    2.3    处理器方案    5
    2.4    控制系统方案    5
    2.5    本章小结    7
    3    单片机及元器件介绍    8
    3.1    80C52单片机介绍    8
    3.2    七段数码管    10
    3.3    发光二极管    11
    3.4    本章小结    12
    4    硬件电路设计    2
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