     Automatic Fire Alarm System For Train
    Abstract: In recent years, rail transportation, especially the urban rail transit, gradually become an important city integrated traffic symbol of modernization.
      This design use STC89C52 MCU as the core, and ADC0832 conversion chip, MQ - 2 sensors, DS18B20 digital thermometer, and several elements such as buzzer. And it can complete the work that undertake voice alarm, manual adjustment of automatic fire alarm system by using Multiple Sensor Information Fusion Technology. The system can collect flue gas and temperature, and enlarge the samples. The MCU deals with these samples in advance by written procedures and judges them that whether meet the requirements for the alarm. And send the results to sound and light alarm device. In addition can also work by hand
      And there is also the study of flame in the design. Through the study for the discussion of flame plume, the design combining with the different form inside the train cars, and targeted put forward some adaptive adjustment of automatic fire alarm system. And last according to the related research, this design give some installations of automatic fire alarm system.
    KeyWords:  Automatic fire alarm system; MCU; Train compartment fire
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景     1
    1.2 国内外研究状况与水平    1
    1.3 本文的主要工作和内容安排    2
    2 单片机系统制作    4
    2.1 主要元件    4
    2.1.2 烟雾传感器    6
    2.1.3 温度传感器    6
    2.2 系统设计    8
    2.2.1 单片机最小系统    8
    2.2.2 烟雾样本检测模数(A/D)转换电路    9
    2.2.3 显示(数码管)模块    10
    2.2.4 声音报警器    11
    2.2.5 按键电路    11
    2.2.6 温度传感器    11
    2.3 系统软件设计    12
    2.3.1 主程序设计    12
    2.3.2 主要程序分析    13
    3 列车车厢火灾报警系统设计    19
    3.1 火灾过程    19
    3.2 列车火灾    19
    3.2.1 列车火灾特点    19
    3.2.2 列车材料的选取    20
    3.3 火灾自动报警系统相关    20
    3.3.1 监测时间段    20
    3.3.2 影响因素分析    21
        3.3.3 列车车厢火灾自动报警系统设计    21
    4 调试结果与结论    23
    4.1 系统仿真结果    23
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