    关键词  膛口火焰  图像处理  轮廓提取  OpenCV
    Title   Measurement system design  of the muzzle flame based on image processing                   
    Artillery guns and other weapons inevitably produce the muzzle flame in the guns export when firing, The strength of the muzzle flame is one of the factors what affect weapon performance, so how to detect the muzzle flame size and power has great significance. This article detect the muzzle flame based on image processing technology, designing the general scheme of the muzzle flame, using high sensitivity and high-speed camera shoots the muzzle flame video, writing test software  measures the muzzle flame parameters of off-line. Measurement software on the muzzle flame video extracts the video frame and image overlay to forme the final panorama muzzle flame image.For muzzle flame images using color image filter, image conversion, image enhancement, image segmentation operation to extract the muzzle flame contour. Finally based on the extraction of flame contour calculates the muzzle flame parameters such as area, perimeter. System validation experiments show that the developed muzzle flame measurement software can effectively extract the muzzle flame contours and accurately calculate the flame parameters of the muzzle flame.
    Keywords  Muzzle flame  Image processing  Contour extraction  OpenCV
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  火焰测量研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2  火焰测量研究的国内外发展状况    1
    1.3  课题研究的主要内容及各章节安排    2
    2  总体设计方案    3
    2. 1 系统组成    3
    2.1.1  概述    3
    2.1.2  硬件连接    3
    2.1.3  设计原理    4
    2. 2 软件开发平台    4
    2. 3 软件流程图    5
    3  系统模块设计    6
    3. 1 视频帧提取    6
    3. 2 图像叠加    6
    3. 3 彩色图像滤波降噪    8
    3. 4 图像转换    9
    3. 5 图像增强    10
    3. 6 高斯滤波与形态学去噪    11
    3. 7 图像分割    12
    3. 8 轮廓提取    13
    3. 9 计算轮廓周长面积    14
    4  系统实验验证    15
    4. 1 实验软件开发环境    15
    4. 2 运行机器配置    15
    4. 3 整体系统开发实际效果    17
    结  论    23
    致  谢    24
    参 考 文 献    25
    1  引言
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