    摘要 如今网架结构在建筑业中占据的比重越来越大,尤其是在体育馆、车站、厂房等建筑系统中,网架结构所具有的跨度大、造型美观、施工周期短等特性,使其在建筑体系中发挥着越来越重要的作用。其安全性、经济性成了设计者首要考虑的问题,这就要求我们对空间网架结构要有深入的了解,在充分了解的基础上对其结构进行优化,以期达到在保证强度和刚度等性能的前提下,使重量更轻、成本更低,实现节约化、经济化。本课题在前人的研究基础上,以某体育馆双层平面网架为研究对象,采用有限元法对网架结构进行静力分析,得到相应的强度和刚度数值,在此基础对杆件优化设计,以提高可靠性和经济性。 本文选取常见的几种网架结构中的一种——正放四角锥结构,通过 APDL 命令流建立空间网架有限元模型,以减轻重量作为目标函数进行网架结构优化设计,并对杆件的截面大小、网架的高度等随机变量进行离散化输入,再使用 ANSYS的静载荷与动载荷分析功能对网架结构进行优化, 以获得结构可靠且经济的网架结构。37883
    Abstract Now the proportion of space truss structure in the construction industry is much more important, especially in the gym, stations, factories and other building systems, space truss structure of large span, aesthetically pleasing, short construction period and other characteristics, make it play an increasingly important role in building system. Its safety and economy became a designer priority issues, this requests us to space grid structure has a deep understanding of, on the basis of full understanding to optimize its structure, in order to achieve the guarantee under the premise of strength and stiffness, lighter weight, lower cost, achieve the economical and economization. This topic on the basis of predecessors' research, taking a stadium double plane space truss as the research object, the finite element method of space truss structure static analysis, get the corresponding strength and stiffness values, on the basis of optimization design for bar, in order to improve the reliability and economy.   This article selects one of the common several kinds of space truss structure, is put four pyramid structure, space frame finite element model is set up by APDL command flow, space truss structure in order to reduce the weight as objective function, optimization  design, and the cross section of the beam size, the height of the rack discretization of random variables such as input, then use static load and dynamic load analysis function of ANSYS, optimize the space truss structure, in order to obtain reliable structure, and the space truss structure of the economy. 
    [Keywords] Space truss structure ;APDL ;Static load analysis ;The modal analysis
    摘要 .  1
    前言 .  3
    第一章 网架结构的相关介绍 .  4
    1.1 网架结构单元类型  ...  4
    1.2 网架的几何尺寸    6
    1.2.1 网格尺寸  .....  6
    1.2.2 网架高度  .....  6
    1.3 国内外发展现状    7
    1.4 网架结构的优点    7
    1.5 本文研究内容  ....  8
    第二章 网架结构的静力分析 .  9
    2.1 杆件选型  .....  9
    2.1.1 杆件材料的选用    9
    2.1.2 杆件的容许长细比  ...  9
    2.1.3 杆件的截面选择  .....  10
    2.1.4 杆件的构造要求  .....  10
    2.2 网架结构形式的选用  ....  10
    2.3 有限元基本概念  .....  11
    2.4 ANSYS 软件介绍 .....  12
    2.5 模型的建立  ......  12
    2.5.1 杆单元类型选择  .....  12
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