    摘   要  氨氮是指在水体中, 以游离氨(NH3)和铵离子(NH4+)的形式存在的氮。氨氮属于水体中的营养元素,具耗氧性,是引起水体富营养化现象的主要污染物,严重破坏水体的生态平衡,不仅危害人体的健康,更是对鱼类有致命性的毒害作用。目前,我国水污染情况形势严峻,生活污水、农业污水、工业废水及养殖业污水都是氨氮污染的来源, 全国各地都曾发生过鱼塘中的鱼一夜之间全翻白肚的情况,氨氮污染已对自然环境及人类生活造成了非常严重的影响,因此,氨氮浓度已成为水质检测的指标之一, 而如何对水体中的氨氮浓度进行检测仍处于研究发展阶段。 本次毕业设计主要针对目前主流氨氮测定方法中出现的精确度问题、测定结果不稳定、受干扰因素较多等问题,设计了一种新的测定方法—离子敏场效应晶体管传感器法。采用这种方法,水样不需要在实验前进行处理,使实验变得简单方便了,能够快速地测得水体氨氮浓度,且结果具有高精确度。 为了使传感器能够长期在水下工作,采用一体化的智能氨氮传感器,具有良好的防护性。利用超低功耗单片机 MSP430,集成了 pH 温度、铵离子和氨气敏探头的复合型传感器,设计了智能氨氮传感器的硬件和软件部分,其中包括各个探头的信号调理模块、信号处理模块、通讯接口模块的设计,找出了多传感器的数据融合的方法并进行了验证,最终实现了水体氨氮的原位快速检测,并实现了智能传感器的自识别、自补偿、自校准和标准化接口等功能。  37886
    毕业论文关键词:氨氮     智能传感器    数据融合
    Abstract Ammonia nitrogen refers to free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ion (NH4+) in the form of nitrogen. Ammonia water belongs nutrients, is the main factor causing eutrophication phenomenon is oxygen of major pollutants, serious damage to the ecological balance of the water, not only harmful to human health, it is fatal to fish toxic effects. At present, China's water pollution situation is grim, sewage, the situation bellies full of fish ponds overnight agricultural sewage, industrial waste and sewage farming is the source of ammonia pollution, have occurred across the country, ammonia pollution has on the natural environment and human life caused a very serious impact, therefore, ammonia concentration has become one of the indicators of water quality testing, and how to detect the ammonia concentration in water is still in the research and development stage. The graduation project focused on the determination of ammonia occurs mainstream method accuracy issue, the measurement result unstable and disturbed many factors and other issues, design a new measurement method - ion sensitive field effect transistor sensor method. With this method, water samples do not need to be treated prior to the experiment, the experiment becomes easy  to make, and can be quickly measured ammonia concentration of water, and the results have a high accuracy. In order to enable the sensor to the long-term underwater work, with integrated intelligent ammonia sensor has a good protective. The use of ultra-low-power MCU MSP430, integrated ammonia gas, ammonium ions, and pH sensor temperature probe complex, given the hardware design and software design intelligent ammonia sensors, including various probe signal conditioning modules, Signal Processing module, communication interface module design, to find a method of multi-sensor data fusion and verified, and ultimately in-situ rapid detection of ammonia water, and to achieve a self-identifying smart sensors, self-compensating, self-calibration and standardization interface and other functions. 
    Key words: Ammonia nitrogen    Intelligent sensor    data fusion
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