    摘要:本论文是关于课题题目为基于单片机的乘法口诀学习装置的设计,开发了一个基于单片机的乘法口诀学习装置。主要运用的技术:AT89C51单片机的基本操作;LM016L 液晶显示器的驱动、数字、字符的显示;4 x 4矩阵键盘的扫描输入;中断定时扫描数据;蜂鸣器等。最终的产品完成了以下功能:用户自定义输入乘法口诀;随机生成一道乘法口诀;正序显示乘法口诀;逆序显示乘法口诀;乘法口诀测试。38747
    毕业论文关键词:    单片机;C51;AT89C51;LM016L;4 x 4矩阵键盘;乘法口诀
    Multiplication learning device design based on MCU
    Abstract:     This paper is about the topic titled my multiplication learning device design based on single chip microcomputer, developed a my multiplication learning device based on single chip microcomputer. The main use of technology: the basic operation of AT89C51 single chip microcomputer; LM016L LCD driver, number, character display; 4 x 4 matrix keyboard scanning input; Interrupt timing scan data; Buzzer, etc. The final product to complete the following functions: user-defined input my multiplication; Randomly generated a my multiplication; Positive sequence shows my multiplication; The reverse shows my multiplication; My multiplication tests.
    Demonstrated in the paper, firstly introduces the design scheme, pided into the design of the hardware design and software design of two parts. Then introduces the hardware design of the specific module, the connection between the modules. Then introduces the detailed content of software modules, including the function of the module, flow chart and detailed code implementation. Finally is a combination of hardware and software debugging, to solve the problem in the debugging process, continuously improve the content, the final conclusion. The end of the paper is the reference, the main part of the source code.
    Keywords: SCM; C51. AT89C51. LM016L; 4 x 4 matrix keyboard; My multiplication
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    2    设计方案论证    2
    2.1    功能要求    2
    2.1.1    功能模块    2
    2.1.2    硬件方案设计    4
    2.1.3    软件方案设计    7
    2.2    方案确定    8
    3    硬件设计详细    10
    3.1    AT89C51    10
    3.1.1    AT89C51实物图    10
    3.1.2    AT89C51 仿真图    11
    3.1.3    AT89C51主要特性    11
    3.1.4    AT89C51标准功能    12
    3.1.5    AT89C51管脚    12
    3.2    4×4键盘    14
    3.2.1    4 x 4矩阵键盘仿真图    14
    3.2.2    4 x 4矩阵键盘原理    15
    3.3    LM016L液晶显示器    16
    3.3.1    LM016L实物图    16
    3.3.2    LM016L仿真图    17
    3.3.3    1602LCD主要技术参数    18
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