    毕业论文关键词: 单逆变器驱动多电机;转差型矢量控制;空间矢量调制技术;PI调节器设计
    The design of flexible control of multi-induction motor with single inverter
    Abstract: Electric locomotive is used to pull train set to increase the speed of the train operation and load weight. So, it can greatly improve the railway transport capacity and capacity. In the electric locomotive traction system, control of multi-induction motor with single inverter is used to save the inverter and space.According to the principle of vector control, this paper gives the derivation process of the single induction motor dynamic model; one motor is controlled with magnetic chain ring opening slip vector control system to drag another motor, so as to achieve a goal of control of multi-induction motor with single inverter. The system is simulated in the case of different parameters of parallel machine and different locomotive wheel diameter. The simulation results show that the parallel operation system has the self-balanced ability to reduce the load imbalance for different parameters of parallel machine and different locomotive wheel diameter. In practice, the size of the wheel diameter need be matched and the induction motor parameters need be selected as similar as possible to reduce the load imbalance for different parameters of parallel machine and different locomotive wheel diameter.
    Key word: multi-induction motor with single inverter; Slip vector control; SVPWM; PI controller design
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 感应电机控制策略的发展    1
    1.3 并联多电机系统控制的发展    2
    2 感应电机矢量控制理论    3
    2.1 感应电机的三相原始数学模型    3
    2.1.1 感应电机三相动态模型的数学表达式    3
    2.2 坐标变换    5
    2.2.1 3/2变换    5
    2.2.2 静止两相-旋转正交变换    6
    2.3 感应电机在正交坐标系上的动态数学模型    7
    2.3.1 静止两相正交坐标系中的数学模型    7
    2.3.2 旋转正交坐标系中的动态数学模型    8
    2.4 状态量的选取    8
    2.4.1 以ω-is –ψr为状态变量的状态方程    8
    2.4.2 以ω-is –ψs为状态变量的状态方程    9
    2.5 按转子磁链定向的矢量控制模型    9
    2.6 空间矢量调制技术(SVPWM)    11
    2.6.1 SVPWM的基本原理    11
    2.6.2 SVPWM算法分析    12
    2.7 按转子磁链定向的矢量控制系统调节器设计    15
    2.7.1 矢量控制系统传递函数    15
    2.7.2 定子电流调节器设计    16
    2.7.3 转速调节器设计    17
    3 控制方案的选择    19
    3.1 矢量控制系统控制方案    19
    3.2 转子磁链闭环控制系统    21
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