    摘  要:为了克服传统转盘显示仪表显示数不够准确及没有提示超速的缺点,本文从驾驶员自身安全角度出发,设计了一种检测车辆超速的报警器的电路。该报警器电路允许驾驶员通过自带键盘设置本车辆安全行驶的最高速度,本设计通过速度传感器时刻监测机动车辆,并通过LED显示车辆的实际车速和用户设置的安全参数。当发现车辆速度超过驾驶员设置的最高值时,蜂鸣器开始报警,提醒驾驶员减速,达到防患于未然的目的。此设计就是一种利用8051单片机对机动车超速行驶情况进行蜂鸣报警的电路。本设计详细介绍了电路的总体设计方案,给出了界面模块与8051接口电路,系统硬件电路及外围设计电路,最后介绍了软件设计方法及程序流程图,最后用Protues给出了系统仿真。40433
    毕业论文关键词:单片机;超速报警器; 传感器; 安全
    Overspeed alarm circuit design based on single chip microcomputer
    Abstract: In order to overcome the traditional rotary display instrument shows the number is not accurate enough and not prompt the speeding driver's own shortcomings, this article from a security perspective, the circuit for detecting vehicle overspeed alarm design. The alarm circuit allows comes with the keyboard by setting maximum speed of the vehicle driving safety of the driver, the design through the speed sensor to monitor the motor vehicle safety parameters, and through the LED display of the vehicle speed and the actual user settings. When the vehicle speed exceeds the maximum value set by the driver, the buzzer alarm, to remind the driver to slow down, to nip in the bud. This design is a buzzer alarm for speeding vehicles using 8051 microcontroller circuit. The detailed design of the overall design scheme of the circuit, the interface module and the 8051 interface circuit, system hardware and peripheral circuit design, finally introduces the method of software design and program flow chart, finally gives the system simulation with Protues.
    Key Words: SCM;Overspeed Alarm;Sensor;Safety
    目    录
    摘要    1
    1.引言    2
    1.1选题目的和意义    2
    1.2本选题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势    2
    2.系统方案原理及特色    3
    2.1超速报警器设计思路    3
    2.2超速报警器的总原理图    3
    2.3超速报警器的特色    3
    3.超速报警器硬件设计    4
    3.1主控模块    4
    3.2 时钟电路    5
    3.3复位电路    5
    3.4霍尔传感器连接电路    6
    3.5按键电路    7
    3.6显示电路    8
    3.7报警电路    9
    4.超速报警器软件设计    11
    4.1程序流程图    11
    4.2软件仿真    11
    4.3仿真结果及分析    12
    5.结束语    13
    参考文献    13
    致谢    15
    1. 引言
    1.1 选题目的和意义
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