    红外密码锁摘要:在百姓平常的生活中, 很多的地方资料、财产都是依靠锁来保存的,尤其是住宅和单位。电子密码锁出现了,它有着防盗报警的功能,使得安全性能差的锁的数量减少,这种现象将成为趋势。随着计算机和电子技术的发展,出现了许多即使有锁,财物还是被盗的情况,使得人们对生活中的锁要求更加高。人们期望一种拥有密码的锁,不仅要这种锁安全性能高,而且操作很简单,只需记住密码就可以,所以密码锁就逐渐出现在人们的生活中。密码锁兼备了上述的优点,还有功耗低,让操作者只要记住密码就可以开锁。本系统由STC89C52单片机、蜂鸣器,复位电路,晶振电路、4*4矩阵键盘等组成,当在键盘上输入错误密码时,单片机就会将产生信号反馈给其他元件,阻止开锁行为。 使用者在单片机上提供的4*4键盘上输入密码。当密码输入错误时,单片机系统会将信号传送到蜂鸣器,启动报警装置。当拥有者改变6位用户密码或者输入密码错误时,它会立刻蜂鸣报警等,让盗贼惊慌。此系统操作简单,实用性也很强生活中的每个人都会用到锁,希望能普及到老百姓的生活中。39902
    毕业论文关键词: 密码锁   防盗   报警   蜂鸣器   红外遥控
    Infrared Password Lock
    Abstract:The people in the ordinary life, a lot of local materials, property are relying on the lock to save,especially residential units and. Reduce the number of electronic password lock appeared, it has a burglar alarm function, the safety performance of the lock, this phenomenon will become a trend. With the development of computer and electronic technology, there have been many even have a lock, property or stolen makes people on the life of the lock request more high.People expect a lock with a password, not only to the lock with high safety performance, and the operation is very simple, just remember the password can be, so lock has been gradually appeared in people's life. The password lock has the advantages of low power consumption,and let the operator, just remember password can unlock.The system composition by STC89C52 microcontroller, buzzer, reset circuit, crystal oscillator circuit, 4 * 4 matrix keyboard, when on the keyboard when you enter the wrong password, SCM will will produce feedback signals to the other components, to prevent the lock. Enter the password for user in the 4*4 microcontroller on the keyboard. When the password input error,the SCM system will transmit signals to the buzzer, start the alarm device. When the ownerchange 6 user password or password is wrong, it will immediately alarm, so that thieves panic.This system is simple,we hope this system universal our life.
    Keywords: password lock   burglar alarm   buzzer   infrared remote control
    1.绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  课题的目的和意义    1
    1.3  电子密码锁发展趋势    3
    1.4  毕业论文的工作完成    3
    2  总体方案设计    4
    2.1 密码锁电板设计    5
    2.2  单片机硬件结构    6
    2.3  硬件结构的设计    6
    2.3.1 模块    6
    2.3.2  主控制器    6
    3  硬件及单元电板设计    7
    3.1  主控制模块设计    7
    3.2  单片机时钟、复位电路    7
    3.3  单片机引脚说明    8
    3.4  电板布局    9
    3.5  显示器电板    9
    3.6  芯片(存储)设计    10
    3.7  报警蜂鸣    11
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