

    毕业论文关键词  智能车; 信标引导; 硬件设计; 微控制器


    Title  Design and Implementation of Smart Car for The Eleventh    National University NXP Cup ---- Hardware Design of Beacon-guided Intelligent Vehicle Control System             


    Based on the Eleventh NXP cup smart car competition, the design of smart car control system which is guided by the beacons is proposed according to the rules of the competition. Completing the selection of the model and the core components, designing system schematic, designing system PCB and transforming the structure of mechanical. The system hardware circuit is pided into the following seven modules: the module of core control, the module of power management, the module of beacon identification, the module of driving motor, the module of speed detection, the module of controlling servo and the module of auxiliary debugging. After the completion of the design of each module, testing each module to ensure that it can work. On this basis, the mechanical structure of the model is adjusted, and the PCB board and the installation of each module is completed. Finally, the system is debugged. The experimental results show that the hardware design system of the Beacon-guided intelligent vehicle control system meets the needs of the project.

    Keywords  Intelligent Vehicle; Beacon-guided; Hardware Design; Micro Controller

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  智能车国内外发展现状 1

    1.3  智能车相关技术介绍 2

    1.4  全国大学生“恩智浦”杯智能汽车竞赛简介 4

    1.5  本文主要研究内容 4

    2  信标引导智能车控制系统总体设计 6

    2.1  系统需求分析 6

    2.2  系统总体架构设计 6

    2.3  系统工作原理介绍 7

    2.4  本章小结 8

    3  信标引导智能车控制系统电路原理图设计 8

    3.1  硬件电路总体设计 9

    3.2  核心控制模块电路设计 9

    3.3  电源管理模块电路设计 13

    3.4  信标识别模块电路设计 16

    3.5  电机驱动模块电路设计 19

    3.6  舵机控制模块电路设计 20

    3.7  速度检测模块电路设计 22

    3.8  辅助调试模块电路设计

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