


    关键词  IC卡水表  MSP430f149


    Title    The design for IC card water meter control system               


    Our country's per capita water resource is short , and the problem of wasting water is serious.People lack of awareness of water conservation. On the other hand,the traditional mechanical water meter not only need manual copying costs,but also have many other drawbacks. It is no longer meet the development of society. To solve these problems and use water scientifically, smart meter technology has developed rapidly. This paper take the hospital water meter as object, designing a IC card water meter control system with  MSP430f149  microcontroller as the core. Firstly, According to the The water meter functions to be achieved, The paper propose the design of overall program  system. And then  introduce the hardware circuit of each functional module in detail. Next, Design the software system. Draw a flow chart of the main program based on the functional requirements of the module. Finally, Summarize and rethink the research results of this project as well as some of the deficiencies 

    Keywords  IC card water meter  MSP430F149

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  IC卡水表的简介和未来发展趋势 1

    1.3  研究内容 2

    2  总体方案设计 3

    2.1  功能需求分析 3

    2.2  方案设计 4

    2.3  本章小结 5

    3  硬件设计 6

    3.1  单片机 6

    3.2  时钟电路 7

    3.3  复位电路 8

    3.4  电源电路 8

    3.5  LCD显示模块 9

    3.6  JTAG测试模块 10

    3.7  键盘模块 11

    3.8  阀门控制模块 12

    3.9  通信模块 15

    3.10 读卡器模块 17

    3.11  实时时钟模块 19

    3.12  其他模块 20

    3.13 本章小结 21

    4 软件设计 22

    4.1  主从机通信程序的设计 22

    4.1.1 通信协议的设计 22

    4.1.2 总机与从机的通信流程

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