

    关键词: 黄疸  经皮  光电检测


    Title    The Design of the Transcutaneous Jaundice Detector                     


    Percutaneous jaundice detector is a photodetector by means of, can accurately detect the concentration of bilirubin in infants with percutaneous medical devices, simple structure by external transcutaneous jaundice detector, compact shape lightweight, easy to use health care and clinical testing, and the newborn does not have any pain and suffering, in the current method of detection of jaundice is treated as the first choice, widely used in all types of hospitals, clinics and homes. The first topic on the percutaneous bilirubin concentrations principle make a detailed inquiry, the establishment of appropriate mathematical models, and on this principle the overall design scheme percutaneous jaundice detector, the overall program including percutaneous jaundice detector hardware design, the internal circuit design, MCU system design and software design, and the paper also percutaneous jaundice meter to make the appearance of a simple design, photoelectric detection technology employed herein, the information processing technology and design are more perfect, it is a university four years, the knowledge of a comprehensive and practical.

    Keywords   Percutaneous jaundice  Photodetector


    1  绪论 1

    1.1背景和意义 1

    1.2经皮黄疸检测仪的国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 经皮黄疸检测仪目前存在的问题 2

    2 经皮黄疸检测仪的原理和技术方法 3

    2.1 黄疸检测的基本原理 3

    2.2 基于双波长的黄疸检测的原理 5

    3 黄疸检测仪总体设计 8

    3.1经皮黄疸检测仪功能与技术参数的确认 8

    3.2基于双波长检测原理的经皮黄疸检测仪的总体方案设计 8

    4 经皮黄疸检测仪的硬件设计 11

    4.1 光源的选择与设计 11

    4.2 同轴光纤探头的选择 13

    4.3 光学器件的选择 17

    4.4前置放大电路 22

    4.5低通滤波电路 28

    4.6真有效值转换与电源电路 30

    5 单片机系统 32

    5.1 8051单片机 32

    5.2 A/D转换电路

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