    Abstract Closely instruments integrated with computers are already in the mainstream of modern instrumentation system,computers are gradually beginning to include more and more traditional instruments,or it can be said to be completely replaced.Generally speaking such a combination,there are two ways:the first is to put the computer in the instrument;the second is to put the instrument in the computer,which is to rely on a general purpose computer hardware and operating systems, the function of the instrument obtains show.This method is the essence of the system to reach the instrument to accommodate more data collection.US NI's Labview is today widely used in the field of computer language.
        Labview software with a huge Internet utility makes DataSocket remote data collection technology to become a reality,it can easily exchange data and remote data collection.Data of C/S transferred because of TCP, UDP is no longer a problem,remote panel technology allows users with only a simple way to open the remote operation (server) computer VI front panel directly on a client computer,even VI may also be added to the page control.
        TCP/IP technology based on Labview development platform enables remote data collection and transmission system.Distance education can use the VI technology to guide for students.The question of distance education is resolved because of the combination of network, technology, and VI is no longer a dream.Not only can make the students in different regions and time learn the work process and using ways of virtual instruments by the network experiments in the laboratory that combines network and virtual simulation,but also can improve the quality of distance education.Because the modern remote virtual instrument system can link up virtual instrument in the experiment center and "virtual instruments" on the students’ remote computer,you can create an Internet experiment system with existing Internet devices and micro text and data.
    Key words:virtual instrument;remote collection;Labview;data collection;signal processing
    目  录
    第一章  概述    1
    1.1选题背景及意义    1
    1.2远程数据采集系统    1
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