    毕业论文关键词: 烟道气体;C8051F005;C语言编程;LCD显示;
    China is a big country in energy consumption, along with the continuous development of industry, the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal in China's energy consumption occupies a larger proportion, so coal combustion flue gas monitoring and control is very important. Through the detection and control of flue gas can effectively improve the combustion rate of coal, reducing environmental pollution problems.
    This topic with C8051F005 as the core, combined with C language programming, the flue gas control system is designed. The system by means of infrared gas analyzer component of flue gas for real-time analysis, determine the flue gas composition, again by heating, condensation temperature control output control signal to control valves, improve combustion efficiency of coal, reducing emissions of polluting gases. System uses C language programming, while the output signal processing through the LCD display relevant information, has a good man-machine interface, at the same time accurate intuitive shown coal combustion and flue gas is the main component ratio. 
    This paper mainly introduces the design of the flue gas measurement and control system, including hardware selection, programming logic, as well as the solution of the problem in the design and debugging process.
    Keywords: flue gas; C8051F005; C language programming; LCD display;
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1设计的意义    1
    1.2设计的内容    1
    1.3发展背景    1
    第二章  总体方案设计    3
    2.1设计方案    3
    2.2工作原理    3
    2.2.1主要参数    3
    2.2.2控制对象    4
    2.2.3工作原理    4
    第三章  系统硬件设计    5
    3.1硬件选用    5
    3.1.1 C8051F005芯片    5
    3.1.2红外气体分析仪    6
    3.1.3液晶屏(320*240)    7
    3.1.4 继电器    7
    3.1.5开发板电路介绍    7
    3.2 主电路设计    8
    3.2.1设计思路    8
    3.2.2温度控制    8
    3.2.3气体百分比测控    9
    3.2.4总体电路原理图    10通信接口电路(RS232)    10 LCD电路设计    12继电器电路    12单片机电源电路设计    13单片机晶振电路和复位电路设计    14
    结束语    16
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
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