    ABSTRACT Economic operation of transformer that is under a certain load by optimizing transformer operation mode, in order to determine the optimum frequency adjustment and reasonable load transformer, the transformer state to achieve the most economical operation.
        In power system, the transformer is an important part of power system operation will produce larger energy loss, which the transformer loss a majority, so improve the efficiency of economic operation of transformer, improve power supply reliability, managing electric energy to achieve energy-saving efficiency, and carry out all the transformer economic operation is the important content to realize economical operation of power systems.    
       This paper focuses on the economic operation optimization scheduling problem. of rhe transformer. To solve the transformer loss problem in the process, by introducing the power flow calculation, transformer loss calculation under various operation modes for research plan, constructed a single time, the mathematical model of transformer economical operation problem of the optimization scheduling solution, using Newton - Ralph monson tide algorithm to solve the problem, and use the Matlab programming, the specific process are presented. Based on theoretical analysis, through single transformer economical operation during study, points out the appropriate time, transformer economic transformer operation mode was optimized.  The running results show that the method can effectively reduce the power loss of transformer has good economic benefit.
    Keywords:  power system;economic operation of transformer;power flow calculation ;Newton a Ralph monson flow algorithm;
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    1
    1.3本课题的研究内容    3
    第二章    变压器经济运行的基本理论    4
    2.1变压器经济运行概念    4
    2.2变压器的结构、原理和分类    4
    2.3现有的研究变压器经济运行方法    5
    2.4本章小结    6
    第三章   单时段变压器经济运行    7
    3.1前言    7
    3.2基于潮流计算的单时段变压器经济运行    7
    3.3潮流计算中变压器的处理方法    12
    3.4本章小结    15
    第四章    算例分析    16
    4.1算例    16
    4.2matlab仿真    18
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