


    毕业论文关键词  条形码  物流配送中心  物流配送管理信息系统  数据库


    Title  Application of bar-code technology in logistics     Distribution system                                                   


    In recent years,with the development of the market and the rise of information technology,The logistics industry has been developing rapidly,logistics and distribution center management information system has a higher information processing requirements,So it is necessary to build a logistics and distribution center management information system which the bar code technology can be used in.

    Now bar-code technology as one of the “automatic identification technology”,Mainly advocate digital management,It can greatly improve the working speed, save manpower and financial resources. In order to improve the efficiency of logistics distribution and reduce the cost of logistics,This topic  through carries on the demand analysis to the bar code technology and logistics and distribution systems.,Then  combined bar code technology with logistics distribution system do some planning functions,and complete the relevant module interface design, Finally, a logistics distribution center management information system with bar code technology is successfully constructed. 

    Keywords  bar code  logistics and distribution center  logistics and

              distribution management information system   database

    目   次

    1  绪论 2

    1.1 研究背景及意义 2

    1.2 国内外发展概况与我国未来发展方向 3

    1.3 主要研究内容及使用工具 4

    1.4 本章小结 4

    2 条码技术与物流配送系统 5

    2.1、条码技术 5

    2.2、物流配送中心概述 8

    2.3  条码技术在物流配送系统中的具体应用 11

    2.4  物流配送中心管理信息系统概述 14

    2.5 本章小结 18

    3 条形码及物流配送系统需求分析及功能规划 19

    3.1、条形码需求分析 19

    3.2物流配送系统需求分析 22

    3.3物流配送管理信息系统功能模块规划 24

    3.4 本章小结 27

    4 系统功能模块界面设计及其描述 28

    4.1 系统基本设置

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