    本文在对军械物资进行分类以及分析军械仓库需求的基础上,结合部队军械仓库管理实际,分析了基于 RFID 技术的军械仓库智能化管理信息系统总体功能。此外本文还介绍了无线射频识别技术(RFID),数据库技术以及其他系统关键技术,并研究和探讨了系统设计与实现的部分相关问题。7236
    关键词:射频识别  需求分析  信息采集  动态追踪  智能化管理
    Title: Intelligent Ordnance System Based on The RFID Technology
    In the new era, the Armed Police Force fulfilled the tasks have been becoming more and more complex and special. The existing ordnance management technologies have a hard time to catch up with the growing needs of today’s troops. There is an urgent call for efficient and accurate ordnance management.
    Radio Frequency Identification is an automatic identification technology which
    Uses wireless technology and radar to establish two-way data communications between the Reader and tag, and enable label goods to access automatic identification. The technology has over-the-horizon, unlit-target identification, far identification distance, high recognition speed and good environment adaptability characteristics. At present, it has been widely used in industrial automation, business automation, transportation, control and management, and many fields.
        In the paper, with deep study of RFID information collection technology and RFID dynamic tracing technology, combining the actual situation of the ordnance management of the Force, we proposed the ordnance management and information system solutions methods on the basis of RFID technology, and discussed part of related issues of how to design and how to realize it.
    Key Words:RFID Technology,Demand Analysis,Information Collection ,Dynamic Tracing, Intelligent Management.

    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    1
    1.3  国内外现状    1
    1.4  本文研究内容    1
    第二章  军械仓库智能化管理需求分析    1
    2.1  军械物品分类    1
    2.2  军械仓库智能化管理需求描述    1
    2.3  军械仓库管理业务分析    1
    第三章  系统关键技术研究    1
    3.1  概述    1
    3.2  RFID系统组成    1
    3.3  RFID定位技术    1
    3.4  RFID系统应用模式    1
    3.5  其他技术    1
    3.6  小结    1
    第四章  军械仓库智能化管理信息系统总体功能分析    1
    4.1  系统总体功能设计    1
    4.2  军械业务管理子系统    1
    4.3  军械仓库管理子系统(“在储”)    1
    4.4  装备运输管理(“在途”)    1
    4.5  RFID系统管理    1
    4.6  综合信息管理    1
    第五章  军械仓库智能化管理信息系统设计    1
    5.1  概述    1
    5.2  系统逻辑结构    1
    5.3  系统网络拓扑结构    1
    5.4  感知与信息采集方案    1
    5.5 “在途”装备跟踪方案    1
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