
    摘要:基于FPGA完成PMOD规范、可配合basys2开发板的扩展板设计。了解EDA技术,进行课题的设计。首先使用Altium  Designer软件根据设计的要求完成电路原理图和PCB的设计,之后将完成的PCB图交给加工商让他们做成电路板,最后使用ISE Design Suite软件对温度传感器(18B20)、蜂鸣器、Nokia 5110编写相对应的程序来对新的扩展板测试其功能。此次设计旨在针对FPGA这一块,通过学生的实际参与毕业设计的体验,来提高他们的自主动手能力以及适应社会的能力,培养学生对FPGA的兴趣,因此在设计的过程中更多地是体现对学生主观能动性和创造性的发挥,让学生体验到新知识、新事物的魅力,感受到自我创造的喜悦,增强学生的自信心,为他们迈出校门、走向社会的第一步做准备。48657


    Design of PMOD expansion board for FPGA

    Abstract:Based on FPGA to complete the expansion board design which follow the PMOD specification and can be combined with the basys2 development board.Understanding of EDA technology, complete the design of the subject.First of all,using Designer Altium software complete the design of the circuit schematic and PCB design according to the requirements.Then,send the PCB to the processors so that they made the circuit board.Last,using Design Suite ISE software to prepare the corresponding procedures for the temperature sensor (18B20), buzzer, Nokia 5110 so that the new expansion board can be tested its function.The design aims at FPGA this one, through the students' actual participation in the graduation design experience, to improve their ability to work independently and adapt to the community's ability to cultivate students' interest in FPGA.therefore.In the process of design more is reflected on students' subjective initiative and creative play, let the students to experience the charm of the new knowledge and new things, feel the joy of self creation, to enhance students' self-confidence and for them leave the school gate, to the society the first step to prepare.

    KeyWords:FPGA;EDA;Development board;PCB;programming


    1绪论 3

    2正文主体 4

    2.1 问题的提出 4

    2.2 研究工作的基本前提 4

    2.3 总设计方案 5

    2.4核心板模块 5

    2.5外围扩展板硬件模块 6

    2.5.1 PMOD规范 6

    2.5.2 Altium Designer 13

    2.5.3 Altium Designer原理图设计基础 15

    2.5.4 Altium Designer PCB设计基础 17

    2.6 VHDL编程软件模块 30

    2.6.1 EDA技术 30

    2.6.2 ISE Design Suite软件 30

    2.6.3硬件描述语言VHDL 35

    2.6.4元器件的介绍 35

    2.6.5 VHDL编程 38

    2.7结论 49

    致谢 50

    参考文献 51

    附录 52

    1绪论FPGA(Field  Programmable  Gate  Array)全称是现场可编程门器件,FPGA是以硬件描述语言(Verilog或VHDL)所完成的电路设计,我们能够通过简单的罗列和编程,迅捷地下载到FPGA板子上进行检测,它已经在现代 IC设计验证领域作为主要组成部分在应用【1】。FPGA技术正在一个迅捷发展的阶段,其更新芯片的速度越来越快,需要的成本价格越来越少,使得原来的数字元件已经被低端的FPGA慢慢地取缔,ASIC的市场份额也被高端的FPGA慢慢地夺取【4】。工程设计的时候,可以依据需要将可以编辑模块的连接在一块,这样就可以让FPGA内部的逻辑块结合在一起,和把一个电路硬件板置于一个芯片里一样【11】。我们可以根据设计者的需求而更改成品的FPGA的逻辑块以及其连接方式,因此,我们可以让FPGA实现我们所需要的功能。

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