
    摘要:   DC/DC变换器是典型的“一机两用”设备,可实现能量的传输,所以在需要能量流动的场合,双向DC/DC变换器的应用可大幅度减轻系统的体积、重量和成本,有着重要的研究价值。本文主要研究了隔离型双向全桥DC/DC变换器。48990


    然后,分别分析了buck充电模式和boost放电模式的工作原理。最后利用Automation Studio软件分别对buck充电模式和boost放电模式的开环和闭环进行了仿真,给出了各个部分的波形图,最后的仿真结果和理论一致。

    毕业论文关键词: Automation Studio  双向DC/DC变换器   Buck充电模式   Boost放电模式 

    Abstract Studio Automation is a software tool that has the function of design and dynamic simulation. It is established in order to meet the needs of the automation industry, in particular, can complete the requirements of engineering training and testing. The work unit of the software is a reflection of the current usage of the software in the industry. It has the simulation function makes the Studio Automation software to become a kind of effective hydraulic system simulation tool. 

    DC / DC converter is a typical "one machine dual-purpose device to realize the energy transmission, so in applications which require a flow of energy, the application of bidirectional DC / DC converter can greatly reduce the volume, weight and cost, an important research value. In this paper, we mainly study the isolated bidirectional full bridge DC/DC converter. 

    In this paper, we first introduce DC / DC converter concept, applications and research status, and on the basis of analysis of the voltage and current type full bridge DC / DC converter: Buck charging mode, the high side switch tube driving signal, low side switch driving signal blockade, only with the power switch tube body diode rectifier. At the same time, the circuit voltage full bridge structure; boost discharge mode, the low side switch tube driving signal, high side switch driving signal blockade, only with the power switch tube body diode rectifier. At the same time, the circuit for current fed full bridge structure. 

    Then, the operation principle of Buck charging mode and boost discharge mode are analyzed respectively. Finally, Studio buck software is used to simulate the open loop and closed loop of boost charging mode and Automation discharge mode respectively. The waveforms of each part are given, and the simulation results are consistent with the theory. 

    Key words: Studio Automation bidirectional DC/DC converter Buck charging mode Boost discharge mode 

    目  录

    一 . 绪论

    1.1 课题研究背景.1

    1.2  DC/DC变换器的应用.2

    1.2.1 不停电电源系统(UPS)

    1.2.2 电动汽车燃料电池电源系统

    1.2.3 航天电源系统

    1.3 DC/DC 变换器的现状和发展.5


    1.3.2 双向直流变换器的发展

    1.4 本章小结.6

    二 . 双向全桥 DC/DC 变换器

    2.1.双向 DC/DC 变换器的原理8

    2.2 双向 DC/DC 变换器的构成方法9

    2.3 隔离型双向全桥 DC/DC 变换器..10

    2.4 全桥 DC/DC 变换器的工作原理..11

    2.4.1 充电模式工作原理

    2.4.2 放电模式工作原理

    2.5 开关管电压尖峰问题.15

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