

    关键词  压力式传感器  单片机   放大电路  AD623  MAX1044


    Title   Multiple simultaneous underwater pressure test   unit distributed based microcontroller           


    This paper focuses on pressure water level measuring instrument design specification. First through the existing water level measuring instrument for analysis to explain the benefits of using pressure water level meter.In this paper, mainly to complete the selection pressure sensor, hardware circuit design specifications, programming development, the static water level in the collection, analysis, processing.Paper by the existing water level measurement techniques discussed, select the desired sensor and micro-controller chips, the design of the hardware and software platform programming, elaborate descriptions of each function of the system, use ICCAVR programming design, implementation, microcontrollerbased control programming and then the water level measuring device instrument measuring the static water level, and then give the experimental data, and then use MATLAB software to fit the simulation, linear straight line to verify the feasibility of using pressure water level meter.

    Keywords  Pressure Sensors     Microcontroller     Amplifying Circuit   AD623  MAX1044

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 水下压力测试国内外现状 1

    1.2 课题的研究背景及意义 2

    1.3 本论文的主要内容 2

    2 压力式水位测量仪的主要基本方案设计 3

    2.1 压力传感器的选择 3

    2.2压力传感器工作原理 4

    3 压力式水位测量仪硬件部分设计 6

    3.1压力式水位测量仪硬件总体设计思路 6

    3.2 单片机控制电路的设计 6

    3.3 电源模块简介 9

    3.4 放大电路模块简介 11

    4压力式水位测量仪的软件编程设计 20

    4.1 ATmega48单片机端口初始化配置 20

    4.2 模数转换器ADC初始化配置 20

    5 基于压力式水位测量仪的测试结果 22

    结论 25

    致谢 26

    参考文献 27

    1 引言

    1.1 水下压力测试国内外现状

     1.2 课题的研究背景及意义


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