    摘要电动汽车由于其独特的优势,近些年来逐步走进人们的视线。V2G 技术是随着电动汽车的发展而产生的一种新技术,这种技术的产生使得电动汽车与电网之间的交互变得更加密切。在电动汽车给人们带来便利的同时,无序接入电动汽车却会对电网的负荷造成很多问题,其中最显著的就是增大峰谷差率。因此如何正确地对汽车进行充放电规划就显得极具意义。本文就基于 V2G 技术的电动汽车有序充电策略这一主题,主要进行了如下工作:(1)对电动汽车充电需求进行建模,并对建立的模型进行仿真,结果表明电动汽车的接入会导致电网负荷峰上加峰的结果,使得电网设备的利用率降低,电网的运行压力增大。(2)对 V2G 充电站进行建模,模拟充电站对电网削峰填谷流程,利用实际中的各项约束建立起充电站的数学模型。(3)结合上述建立的模型,提出基于时空双层优化的有序充放电模型,对模型的各项指标进行约束后,上层时间模型让充放电时间得以规划,使得电动汽车的调峰能力得以应用,同时,利用电网不同时段的不同电价,让汽车通过差价来收取盈利,实现双赢。下层空间模型追求的是网损率最低,让电网的运行更为可靠。最后,通过对实例的仿真来得出优化后的负荷曲线。通过本课题的研究我们可以看出,无序充电会增大电网的压力,而经过优化以后,电网压力得以缓解。上述研究的充电策略可以应用到实际中对大规模电动汽车充放电进行管理,这样不仅能充分利用电动汽车的环保优势,同时对电网的稳定性以及设备利用率都能很好地提高,促进更为合理的用电。50072
    毕业论文关键词 电动汽车,V2G,时空双层优化,削峰填谷
    Title Orderly Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy Basedon V2G Technology
    Abstract Because of its unique advantages, electric vehicles(EV) enter gradually into ourdaily life. V2G is a new technology which appears with the development of EV, thegeneration of this kind of technology for the interaction between electric vehiclesand power grid is becoming more closely. When EV bring us with convenience, randomaccess of electric cars will cause a lot of problems to the grid load, most distinctof which is increasing the peak valley rate. So how to properly charge and dischargeplanning carried out on the car is very meaningful.In this paper, The Orderly Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy Based on V2GTechnology , the main work is as follows:(1) Establishing the electric vehicle charging model, and then establish themodel of simulation, the results show that electric vehicles access will lead tothe result of "peak plus peak", results in lower power grid equipment utilizationand an increase in power grid operation pressure.(2)The V2G charging station is modeled, which simulated the process of "peakload shaving and the valley filling", the use of the actual constraints set upmathematical model of charging stations.(3)Based on the models mentioned above, the model of spatial temporal bi-leveloptimization is put forward. After the constraint on the indicators of the model,upper model of time allows to plan the time of charge and discharge, which makesit possible to regulate peak load. At the same time, using the different priceat different times allows a car to collect profit through the post, achieving awin-win situation. The lower space model expects the minimum network loss rate,letting the grid more reliable operate. Finally, through the simulation of example, the optimized load curve can be obtained.Through this research we can see that disordered charge will increase thepressure of the power grid,and after optimization, the pressure is eased. The studyof charging strategy can be applied to the actual management of large-scaleelectric vehicle charging and discharging, not only can we make full use of theenvironmental advantages of electric cars , at the same time, the stability ofpower grid and the utilization rate of equipment can be well improved, thuspromoting more reasonable use of electricity.
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