


    然后以斜齿圆柱齿轮为例,较详细地说明了利用Pro/TOOLKIT及Visual Studio 2005在Pro/E二次开发中的应用,并给出了测试实例。50228



    毕业论文关键词: Pro/E;参数化;Pro/TOOLKIT;齿轮模型库;


    In this paper, one viable secondary development program for various types of gear based on Pro/E is proposed. And the gear model library is successfully developed to meet the user’s requirements.

    First, in accordance with the requirements of the subject, the overall design ideas of the secondary development of gear is analysed: firstly the parameterized gear models are created, then reading user’s inputs through a dialog box to re-generate a new gear model.

    Then, A more detailed description of the use of Pro/TOOLKIT and Visual Studio 2005 in Pro/E secondary development application taking helical gear for example is presented, and test cases are gave.

    Finally, after completing parametric gear design system, the secondary development methods for planetary gear train were explored.

    Through the development of the modeling procedures for testing, the result shows that: development process is correct, and can model quickly, and greatly improves the design efficiency in kinds of common parts in Pro/E platform.

    Keywords: Pro/E; Parameterization; Pro/TOOLKIT; Gear parts library;

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究课题的学术背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外文献综述 1

    1.3 本课题主要研究内容 2

    第二章 二次开发总体方案设计与环境配置 3

    2.1 二次开发工具的选择 3

    2.2 二次开发环境的选择 3

    2.3 工作模式的选择 3

    2.4 确定模型的生成方法 4

    2.5 二次开发环境的配置 4

    2.5.1 软件的安装 4

    2.5.2 开发环境的配置 5

    第三章 PRO/E参数化齿轮模型的建立 9

    3.1 添加齿轮参数和齿轮参数关系式 9

    3.2 创建齿轮基本圆 11

    3.3 创建渐开线

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