


    Design of automatic curtain control system

    Abstract:Design of a smart curtain control system based on MCU STC89C52RC as the core system. The system includes single chip microcomputer, clock circuit, light intensity input control system, temperature control system, stepping motor, infrared transmitting and receiving and so on. This system in MCU based by joined the clock circuit to realize based on time input to realize time control, also joined the infrared remote control system so as to realize the function of remote control. At the same time, can also according to the system in which the brightness of the environment to achieve the curtain of automatic adjustment function, the fourth can also in temperature input control according to the set temperature self regulating. The experimental results show that the system can realize the automatic adjustment of the system according to the four factors of the light intensity and temperature, combined with the user's setting time and the manual control. As a part of smart home module and the design to achieve most of the demand, provides the theory and practice basis for the smart home and modular, and has good prospects for the future development and application value.

    Keywords:STC89C52RC;Step motor;Infrared remote control; Temperature control; Light intensity control; Smart home

     目  录

    前  言 1

    第1章 绪论 3

    1.1 课题的意义与目的 3

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 3

    1.3 市场调研情况 4

    第2章 硬件设计 5

    2.1 方案选取 5

    2.2 总体设计方案 7

        2.2.1系统基本功能 7

        2.2.2系统总体结构设计 8

    2.3 解决方案 9

    2.4 DS18B20 单线数字温度传感器 9

    2.5 光敏传感器 13

    2.6 A/D转换模块 14

    2.7 按键开关控制 17

    2.8 红外发送与接收控制 20

    2.9 LDC1602液晶显示屏 22

    2.10步进电机及其控制 29

    2.11 STC89C51 32

    2.12 晶振电路 33

    2.13 复位电路 34

    2.14 时钟电路

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