

    毕业论文关键词:智能小车  单片机-51  避障  循迹

    Smart Car Based On SCM Control


    In this era of rapid development of science and technology,more and more people have paid attention to intelligent ,intelligent is used in smart home, environment detection . This research is about a smart car, there are a lot of remote control car before , but it can not fully meet the expected requirements  under certain conditions , so I made a thorough study of the automatic obstacle avoidance for intelligent car. This design through the sensors to detect obstacles, and is composed of a single chip microcomputer to make obstacle avoidance instructions, and then make the car do avoiding action. This design can also be completed tracking driving.

    Key words:  Smart Car  Single-chip-51   Obstacle Avoidance  Tracking 


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    1、 绪论 1

    2、总体设计方案 2

    2.1课题任务分析 2

    3、系统硬件构成 4

    3.1系统设计原理 4

    3.2主要原件介绍 4

    4、 软件设计和说明 9

    4.1软件设计 9

    5、 调试与总结 11

    5.1硬件部分 11

    5.2 软件部分 12

    5.3小车调试部分 12

    5.4 调试的总结 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    附录1:小车基础避障源代码 16


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图2-1 红外遥控实物图 2

    图2-2 STC89C52RC单片机实物图 3

    图3-1 遥控部分系统框图 4

    图3-2 STC89C52RC引脚图 5

    图3-3 L293D引脚图 5

    图3-4 红外发送模块和红外接收模块

    图3-5 超声波模块时序图 7

    图3-6 超声波模块的电路图 7

    图3-7 超声波模块实物图

    图4-1 Keil uVision4软件界面 9

    图4-2 STC_ISP_V479软件程序界面

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