



    Street lamp cable anti-theft alarm system is the combination of computer technology,GSM wireless communication technology, 232 network technology, computer technology and so on , which complete monitoring the condition of street lamp cable , it is application of a variety of disciplines and techniques in the anti-theft alarm field. Because GSM wireless communication has no location limitation,with above thousands of transmission distance and goog inter-communication to MT, and then the MCU has the function of intelligent control,so this project chose MCU and GSM as the core technologies,which aim at designing and researching a kind of intelligent, interactive and precision lighting cable anti-theft alarm system. This project points at problems of existing systems to design hardware and software. By comparing and choosing technical proposals,experimenting and debugging system functions,it aims at finding the best anti-theft alarm system.This paper introduces a system with the advantages of simple structure ,modular of the hardware and software design, installing and maintaining easily, simple operation, all-weather and real-time monitoring, being unattended, its normal operation without relations with the power line’s state, having quick response speed,and strong anti-jamming performance, energy saving and other prominent features.The system can be promoted into using widely.With times past by development,it can be updated to internet model,which will meet future’s needs.Then it may offer a example for future designing of anti-theft alarm system.

    Keywords:GSM wireless communication technology,cable anti-theft,MCU 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 存在的问题及需要解决的难题 2

    1.4 路灯电缆防盗报警系统主要研究内容 3

    第二章 系统总体设计 5

    2.1 需求分析 5

    2.1.1 远程交互的需要 5

    2.1.2 不受时间空间限制的问题 5

    2.1.3 系统安全可靠及可扩展的需要 5

    2.2 方案分析与选择 6

    2.2.1 无线通信技术的选择 6

    2.2.2 控制器的选择 11

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