


    Abstract In this paper, the design of smart home control system composed the advantages of low power consumption, low cost, excellent performance, and high practicability, etc. This system take AT89S52 microcontroller as the core, Bluetooth for communication between the microcontroller and a PC(server-side), Internet for remote communication. This system studied the application of the sensor in detect the indoor temperature and examine the concentration of combustible gas. This project designed the smallest single-chip control system module, smart switching window module, DS18B20 digital temperature sensor module, Bluetooth communication module, fire alarm module, and microcontroller to PC-server communication module. This design achieved a lot of functionality, such as real-time detect the indoor temperature and the concentration of combustible gas, window smart open and close, fire alarm intelligent alarm, smart devices automatic control as well as remote control. This paper introduces the working principle of the system and the method to realize remote control, detailed descript the schematic design and PCB design and summarizes the design, built an prototype to experimental debugging and performance testing. As debugging, all modules of the circuit board worked properly, the function to achieve the desired effect, the project meet the design requirements and achieve the design objective.

    Keywords: Smart Home; Microcontroller; Sensor; Hardware Design


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状及问题 1

    1.3主要研究内容 4

    第二章  方案设计 5

    2.1 系统总体方案设计 5

    2.2 系统工作流程设计 6

    2.3 远程通信方式的选择 7

    2.4 软件总体流程设计 8

    2.4.1  上位PC机功能介绍 8

    2.4.2下位单片机软件功能介绍 9

    第三章 智能家居控制系统的硬件设计 10

    3.1 设计评估 10

    3.1.1 可行性方案分析 10

    3.1.2 关键元器件的选取 11

    3.2 关键模块原理图设计 12

    3.2.1 最小单片机系统设计 12

    3.2.2 开关窗模块的设计

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