


    毕业论文关键词:电能表   ADE7755  电能计量

    Intelligent electric meter based on single chip microcomputer


    The accelerated pace of life of people to promote the emergence of more electrical appliances, which led to the increase in power consumption, as a result of the stability of the power supply network has brought a lot of adverse effects. In order to improve power efficiency, and actively respond to the challenge of environmental problems, improve the power supply of the timeliness and the quality of electric energy, improve services for power users, adapt to the rapid development of the electric power market, which for the development of the power grid is a more difficult challenge. This paper aims to study the design of intelligent electric meter based on 51 single chip microcomputer. The design based on 51 Series MCU is CPU as the storage and is compatible with the data processing core, and ADE7755 electricity metering module will transmits data to the CPU for processing, culminating in the LCD display output.

    Key Words: Electric energy meter  ADE7755 electric  Energy measurement


    摘  要 I


    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究方向 1

    2 设计方案简述 3

    2.1系统总体设计思路 3

    2.2电表整体设计的结构框图 3

    3 各模块详细设计方案 4

    3.1 ADE7755的原理及功能简介 4

    3.2电能计量电路设计 7

    3.3 控制模块设计 8

    3.4 LCD显示模块设计 10

    3.5数据存储模块设计 11

    3.6时钟芯片 13

    3.7 程序设计的选择 15

    4 设计结果及分析 17

    4.1 设计结果 17

    4.2 原理图 18

    5 结论 18

    参考文献 20

    致谢 21


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图2-1 电表结构框图 3

    图3-1 ADE7755原理图 4

    图3-2 测量模块的功能框图

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