











    毕业论文关键词:低压火灾  电气线路  接触故障  

    Study on the cause and identification method of low voltage electrical fire


    Now, electricity can become one of the indispensable energy in the human production and life. But electricity can also cause a lot of fire hazards. In recent years, many low voltage electrical fires have occurred in our country, which have lost a lot of property. At the same time, people's awareness of the electrical fire prevention work is not specifically implemented in place.

    In this paper, the cause of the fire caused by the electrical circuit analysis and research. The conditions for the formation of electrical fire are summarized. The purpose of this paper is to improve the correct understanding of the electrical fire.

    Main research contents and methods:

    1) research on the cause of electrical fire. Summarize the common cause of electrical fire, and summarize the main preventive measures of line fire.

    2) to investigate the scene of the fire, the parties to the inquiry and the specific lines of the fire scene analysis.

    3) in the electrical fire in low voltage line fire, the electrical fire prevention methods are studied.

    Research conclusion:

    1) at present, the electrical fire hazard in our country is still very serious, the key research object is short circuit, overload, bad contact, leakage and other common electrical faults.

    2) due to the electrical fault in the line of the specific causes of fire are generally more complex.

    3) it is difficult to judge the cause of electrical fire, and the method of this investigation is still based on experience.

    Key words: low voltage fire  electrical circuit  contact fault

    目   录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目   录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪 论 1

    1.1 本课题的提出及研究意义 1

    1.2 本课论文研究的目的和研究内容 1

    2 分析常见的电气火灾起火原因

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