


    Abstract: SCM the single chip microcomputer, also known as single-chip microcontroller, is integrated CPU, RAM, ROM and interrupt system, timer/counter and a variety of I/O interface, and other functions of a microcomputer system, is widely used in various fields. Elevator involves the application of the mechanical and electrical control principle, system engineering knowledge as well as, branch technology such as microprocessors, it is almost a necessary vertical transport in high-rise buildings.This paper choice AT89C51 control of the core components, designed a new 6 storey lift systems, using C language programming, transporting passengers arrived a floor, it also shows the elevator floor and downlink. SCM control elevators low cost, versatility, flexibility and ease of large complex control advantages.

    Keywords: single-chip microcomputer, AT89C51,elevator,system control 


    1 前言 4

    1.1 背景概述 4

    1.1.1 电梯的简介 4

    1.1.2 电梯的发展状况及趋势 4

    1.2 课题的主要研究内容 5

    1.3 课题的提出意义及功能设计需求 5

    2 电梯控制系统的开发环境 5

    2.1 程序软件Keil 5

    2.2 电路制作软件Proteus 6

    3 电梯控制系统的硬件实现 6

    3.1 电梯控制系统的简介 6

    3.2 单片机的简介 7

    3.3 电梯控制系统的功能模块 10

    3.3.1 电动机模块 10

    3.3.2 时钟电路模块 10

    3.3.3 复位电路模块 11

    3.3.4 中断电路模块 11

    3.3.5 电动机正反转控制电路模块 12

    3.3.6 数码管显示模块 13

    3.3.7 按钮控制电路模块 14

    4 软件设计 14

    4.1 系统流程图 14

    4.2 系统程序 16

    4.3 系统电路及连线 23

    5 系统调试 24

    5.1 硬件调试 24

    5.2 软件调试 24

    5.3 硬件仿真 25

    总  结 27

    参考文献 28

    致  谢 29

    1 前言

    1.1 背景概述

    1.1.1 电梯的简介

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