


    Abstract This design corners of a square plate fixed spring vibration system consisting of a finite element simulation analysis of the object, the system load is applied after the spring sports were analyzed to determine the relationship between load and time. On the finite element model has been established impose boundary conditions and loads, its transient dynamic analysis to solve the spring under a load transient displacement, stress, strain and reaction force versus time relationship. Through the analysis of the relationship of each variation, drawn at the time of the spring vibration system is very small, the other parameters remain unchanged, with the damping coefficient decreases, the system displacement motion curves decay more quickly, which is the theoretical analysis results are very anastomosis. According to the results we will solve it as the basis, according to the actual requirements of the system is optimized, it can be applied to the production, which will provide information on the manufacturing process to provide a reference.

    Keywords: vibration system; damping; finite element; transient

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  本课题研究的背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究的现状 1

    1.3  本课题研究的基本内容 2

    1.4  本课题研究的目的和意义 2

    第二章 瞬态动力学分析简介 4

    2.1谐响应分析简介 4

    2.2瞬态动力学分析的特性 5

    2.3 ANSYS软件简介及CAE技术的发展 6

    2.4 ANSYS中阻尼模块的介绍 7

    第三章 实例的分析 8

    3.1任务分析 8

    3.2分析方法 9

     3.3系统微分方程求解 9

    3.4 ANSYS中系统模型建立 10

    3.5 ANSYS中对系统进行动力分析设置、定义边界条件并求解 14

    3.6求解结果显示 17

    第四章 振动系统的分析 19

    4.1任务分析 19

    4.2 ANSYS中系统模型建立 20

     4.3 ANSYS中对系统进行动力分析设置、定义边界条件并求解 24

    结论 34

    致谢 35

    参考文献 36 


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