


    Abstract:With the rapid increase in the current quality of life, greenhouses have become an important component of efficient agriculture. This paper describes a greenhouse temperature, design and principle of automatic control illumination control system. This design can be pided into temperature, light intensity monitor and control parts. Temperature monitoring part, through the use of a temperature sensor DS18B20, the system has a measurement error is small, high resolution, anti-jamming capability, dynamic display and other features. Light intensity monitoring circuit using a photosensitive resistor, with its photosensitive effect, the measured voltage or current by the microcontroller over the A / D conversion, and data processing by the microcontroller. Is displayed in the intensity of light detected in the circuit, so as to achieve both the greenhouse environment for monitoring data. Set the alarm device in the event of unusual circumstances buzzer alarm signal. After the test results proved that meet the design requirements.

    Keywords: temperature sensor; photosensitive resistance; Single chip microcomputer; alarm device

    目  录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 4

    1.2  课题研究主要任务 4

    2  系统的总体设计 5

    2.1  系统设计要求 5

    2.2  系统工作原理及总体设计 6

    2.3  硬件选型 7

    3  系统硬件设计 12

    3.1  温度及光照度测试电路 12

    3.2  A/D转换电路 12

    3.3  报警电路 13

    3.4  继电器电路 14

    4  系统软件设计 14

    4.1  系统总流程图 14

    4.2  温度控制流程图 15

    4.3  光照度控制流程图 17

    4.4  键盘扫描流程图 19

    5  系统结果测试与分析 21

    5.1  软件结果仿真测试 21

    5.2  硬件结果仿真测试 22

    结论 23

    参考文献 24

    致谢 25

    附录一:系统原理图 26


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